Budongo Bibliography
- 1947. Eggeling, W. J. Observations on the ecology of the Budongo rain forest, Uganda. J. Ecol. 34: 20-87.
- 1965. Reynolds, V. & Reynolds, F. Chimpanzees of the Budongo Forest. pp. 368-424 IN DeVore, I. (Ed.), Primate Behavior. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
- 1965. Reynolds, V. Budongo: A Forest and its Chimpanzees. London: Methuen.
- 1968. Sugiyama, Y. Social organization of chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest, Uganda. Primates. 9: 225-258.
- 1969. Sugiyama, Y. Social behavior of chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest, Uganda. Primates. 10: 197-225.
- 1971. Suzuki, A. Carnivority and cannibalism observed among forest-living chimpanzees. J. Anthrop. Soc. Nippon. 79: 30-48.
- 1975. Suzuki, A. The origin of hominid hunting: a primatological perspective. pp. 259-278 IN Tuttle, R. (Ed.), Socioecology and Psychology of Primates. The Hague: Mouton.
- 1990/92. Reynolds, V. Conservation of chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest Reserve. Primate Conservation. 11: 41-43.
- 1992. Reynolds, V. Chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest, 1962-1992. J. Zool. 228: 695-699.
- 1993. Bakuneeta, C., Inagaki, H. & Reynolds, V. Identification of wild chimpanzee hair samples from feces by electron microscopy. Primates. 34: 233-235.
- 1993. Johnson, K. Local Uses of Budongo's Forest Products. M. Sc., Oxford University
- 1993. Miller, P. L. Fast, temperature-controlled colour changes in Chlorocypha straeleni Fraser (Zygoptera: Chlorocyphidae). Notul. odomatol. 4: 1-20.
- 1993. Miller, P. L. Some dragonflies of the Budongo Forest, Western Uganda (Odonata). Opusc. zool. flumin. 102: 1-12.
- 1993. Reynolds, V. Sustainable forestry: the case of the Budongo Forest, Uganda. SWARA. 16: 13-17.
- 1993. Walaga, C. Species distribution and the development of the climax vegetation of the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. M. Sc., Makerere University
- 1994. Plumptre, A. J. & Reynolds, V. The effect of selective logging on the primate populations in the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. J. Applied Ecol. 31: 631-641.
- 1994. Quiatt, D. Leaf sponge drinking by a Budongo Forest chimpanzee. Am. J. Primatol. 33: 236.
- 1995. Bahati, J. Impact of Arboricidal Treatments on the Natural Regeneration of Species Composition in Budongo Forest, Uganda. M. Sc., Makerere University
- 1995. Bakuneeta, C., Johnson, K., Plumptre, R. & Reynolds, V. Human uses of tree species whose seeds are dispersed by chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest, Uganda. African J. Ecol. 33: 276-278.
- 1995. Fairgrieve, C. The Comparative Ecology of Blue Monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni) in Logged and Unlogged Forest, Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda: the effects of logging on habitat and population diversity. Ph. D., Edinburgh University
- 1995. Fairgrieve, C. Infanticide and infant eating in the blue monkey (Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni) in the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. Folia primatol. 64: 68-72.
- 1995. Plumptre, A. J. The importance of "seed trees" for the natural regeneration of selectively logged tropical forest. Comm. For. Rev. 74: 253-258.
- 1995. Waller, J. The Aetiologies of Major Limb Injuries amongst Chimpanzees in the Sonso Area of the Budongo Forest, Uganda. M. Sc., Oxford University
- 1995. Wong, J. An Acoustic Analysis of the Inter-population Variability in the Panthoot Vocalizations of Male Chimpanzees. M. Sc., Oxford University
- 1996. Barrows, M. A Survey of the Intestinal Parasites of the Primates in Budongo Forest, Uganda. B. Vet. Med. project, Glasgow University
- 1996. Bennet, H. Study of Kinship, Social Relations and Possible Avoidance of Incest among Budongo Chimpanzees. M. A., Edinburgh University
- 1996. Johnson, K. Hunting in the Budongo Forest, Uganda. SWARA. 19: 24-26.
- 1996. Johnson, K. Local attitudes towards the Budongo Forest, Western Uganda. Indigenous Knowledge & Development Monitor. 4: 31.
- 1996. Mork, K. & Solvang, R. Edge Effects on an Understorey Bird Community in Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. M. Sc., Agricultural University of Norway
- 1996. Musamali, P. The Ecology, Diversity, and Relative Abundance of Small Mammals in Primary and Disturbed Forest Compartments in the Budongo Forest Reserve. M. Sc., Makerere University
- 1996. Notman, H. The Ontogenetic Development and Inter-population Variability of Pant-hoot Vocalizations in Wild Chimpanzees. M. Sc., Oxford University
- 1996. Owiunji, I. The Long Term Effects of Forest Management on the Bird Community of Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. M. Sc., Makerere University
- 1996. Plumptre, A. J. & Reynolds, V. Censusing chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest, Uganda. Int. J. Primatol. 17: 85-99.
- 1996. Plumptre, A. J. Changes following 60 years of selective timber harvesting in the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. Forest Ecol. Manag. 89: 101-113.
- 1996. Reynolds, V. The Budongo Forest Project. IPPL News. November: 15-16.
- 1997. Aukland, L. The Effect of Selective Logging on Amphibian Diversity of Budongo Forest, Uganda. B. A., Oxford University
- 1997. Dranzoa, C., Sande, E., Owiunji, I. & Plumptre, A. A survey of Nahan's francolin Francolinus nahani in two tropical rainforests of Uganda. African Bird Club. 4: 90-92.
- 1997. Hill, C. M. Crop-raiding by wildlife: The farmer's perspective in an agricultural community in western Uganda. Int. J. Pest Management. 43: 77-84.
- 1997. Paterson, J. D. Pith-ing and bark-ing: baboons on the edge of the forest (abstract). Am. J. Primatol. 42: 140.
- 1997. Paterson, J. D. Seed predation patterns in the diet of the Sonso forest baboon troop (abstract). Am. J. Primatol. 42: 140.
- 1997. Plumptre, A. J. & Reynolds, V. Nesting behavior of chimpanzees: implications for censuses. Int. J. Primatol. 18: 475-485.
- 1997. Rukondo, T. The Long Term Effect of Canopy Treatment on Tree Diversity in Budongo Forest: an Evaluation of a 25 Hectare Plot Study. M. Sc., Makerere University
- 1997. Shiel, D. The Ecology of Long-term Change in a Ugandan Rainforest. D. Phil., Oxford University
- 1997. Tinka, J. & Reynolds, V. Budongo Forest chimpanzee grooms a red-tailed monkey. Pan Africa News. 4: 6.
- 1998. Babweteera, F. Influence of Gap-size and Age on the Diversity and Abundance of Climbers in Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. M. Sc., Makerere University
- 1998. Bethell, E. Vigilance in Foraging Chimpanzees. B. Sc., University College, London University
- 1998. Hill, C. M. Conflicting attitudes towards elephants around the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. Env. Conserv. 25: 244-250.
- 1998. Hills, C. An Analysis of Phylogeny and Gene Flow in a Population of Pan troglodytes schweinfuthii (the Sonso Community). M. Sc., Oxford University
- 1998. Lucht, W. Eine neue Eucnemide aus der Kronenregion afrikanischer Laubbaume. Mitt. Internat. Entomol. Ver. 23: 67-72.
- 1998. Newton-Fisher, N. Tactical Behavior and Decision-making in Wild Chimpanzees. Ph. D., Cambridge University
- 1998. Owiunji, I. & Plumptre, A. J. Bird communities in logged and unlogged compartments in Budongo Forest, Uganda. Forest Ecol. and Man. 108: 115-126.
- 1998. Reynolds, V., Plumptre, A. J., Greenham, J. & Harborne, J. Condensed tannins and sugars in the diet of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the Budongo Forest, Uganda. Oecologia. 115: 331-336.
- 1998. Spini, L. The Frequency and Significance of Social Grooming in the Sonso Community of Chimpanzees at the Budongo Forest, Uganda. M. Sc., Oxford University
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