El señor P.V. del paraje de Nabenchauk, Zinacantán, Chiapas, describe el trapich de madera que observaba de niño en Tierra Caliente. 
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A continuación se presenta una transcripción de esta conversación, con análisis morfológico y su traducción al inglés. 

  1  p;   ali o kiloj i k'av te`

          ali oy    k-  il  -oj li  k'av  te`

          ART exist 1E- see -PF ART crack tree

          Well, I have seen one of the "crack tree" machines.

  2       xi slotoj (s)ba chib xi toe

          xi       s-  lot          -oj s-  ba   chib

          say,thus 3E- set_together -PF 3E- self two

          xi       to    -e

          say,thus still -CL

          There were two (things) side-by-side this way.

  3  j;     bweno pwes

          bweno pwes

          good  then


  4  p;     pero ja` ch'ay xka`i mi .

          pero ja` ch'ay x-   k-  a`i  mi

          but  !   lose  ASP- 1E- hear Q

          But I forget if ...

  5       oy . ix.ch'o:jbe sat xi to vi

          oy    i-   x-  ch'oj      -be  sat      xi

          exist COMP-3E- perforated -BEN eye,face say,thus

          to    av- il

          still 2E- see

          They had made a hole like this.

  6  j;   a




  7  p;   te matz'al xchibal li te` xi to vi

          te    matz'al     s-  chib -=al  li  te`

          there buried_deep 3E- two  -=ORD ART tree

          xi       to    av- il

          say,thus still 2E- see

          Both of the pieces of wood were stuck in this way.

  8  j;     bweno




  9  p;     o:tro jun xi to noxtok ali .

          otro  jun xi       to    noxtok ali

          other one say,thus still also   ART

          And there was also another one like this.

 10       otro jun s- yoyal chk li`e

          otro  jun s-  *** y-  oyal        chk

          other one 3E- *** 3E- post,column like

          li`       -e

          here/this -CL

          And there was another post like this.

 11       pajal xi toe

          pajal xi       to    -e

          steep say,thus still -CL

          fixed in the ground like this.

 12  j;     bweno




 13  p;   te anbil sni` li te` un

          te    an    -bil s-  ni`  li  te`  un

          there carve -PP  3E- nose ART tree PT

          The stick his a sharpened end.

 14       ochem . xchibal xi ta jote

          och   -em s-  chib -=al  xi       ta   jot  -e

          enter -PF 3E- two  -=ORD say,thus PREP side -CL

          And both had been inserted like this on one side.

 15       ochem xchibal xi to e

          och   -em s-  chib -=al  xi       to    e

          enter -PF 3E- two  -=ORD say,thus still CL

          And both had been inserted thus.

 16  j;     bweno




 17  p;     stz'o::tik tzk'obik un

          s-  tz'ot -ik ta   s-  k'ob     -ik un

          3E- turn  -PL PREP 3E- arm,hand -PL PT

          They twisted it with their hands.

 18       chjoyij i te`e

          ch-  joyij      li  te`  -e

          ICP- turn_round ART tree -CL

          And the wood turned round.

 19  j;     bweno pwes

          bweno pwes

          good  then

          OK then.

 20  p;     kakal ochel li vale` tzpitz'ik i ch-

          kakal         ochel    li  vale`

          stuck_between entering ART sugarcane

          ta  s-  pitz'   -ik li  ch-  ***

          ICP 3E- squeeze -PL ART ICP- ***

          The sugarcane was stuck in between and they squeezed...

 21       ali ya`lel vale` une

          ali y-  a`lel vale`     un -e

          ART 3E- juice sugarcane PT -CL

          ... out the sugarcane juice.

 22  j;   a:




 23  p;   ja` k'av te` yu`unik

          ja` k'av  te`  y-  u`un   -ik

          !   crack tree 3E- agency -PL

          That's how their cane-press worked.


 24  j;                ja` k'av te` une

                       ja` k'av  te`  un -e

                       !   crack tree PT -CL

                       That's what a "crack-tree" is.


 25  p;                             k'av-te` sbi chk taje

                                      k'av  - te`  s-  bi   chk  taj  -e

                                      crack - tree 3E- name like that -CL

                                      That's what they call "k'av te`".


 26  j;                                      yo`- yo`  =

                                               yo`           yo`

                                               in_order_that in_order_that

                                               For the-- for the--

 27       =xlok' o li s- ya`lele

          x-   lok' o   li  s-  *** y-  a`lel -e

          ASP- exit REL ART 3E- *** 3E- juice -CL

          For getting the juice out.


 28  p;                     chlok' o li ya`lel une

                             ch-  lok' o   li  y-  a`lel un -e

                             ICP- exit REL ART 3E- juice PT -CL

                             For getting the juice out.

 29  j;   a bweno pwes

          a  bweno pwes

          ah good  then

          OK then.

 30  p;     juch'bil ta te` li tra-

          juch' -bil ta   te`  li  ***

          grind -PP  PREP tree ART ***

          It was ground by wood the tra-

 31       ali te` li trapich yu`unike

          ali te`  li  trapich   y-  u`un   -ik -e

          ART tree ART cane_mill 3E- agency -PL -CL

          Their cane mill was made of wood.

 32  j;   ji




 33  p;   mm .




 34       le`e yepal avuch' ya`lel vale`

          le`e(CL) y-  epal     av- uch'  y-  a`lel

          le` -e   3E- quantity 2E- drink 3E- juice



          You could drink plenty of cane juice.

 35       pero pase:m tajmek

          pero pas     -em ta   j-   mek

          but  do,make -PF PREP one- NC[time]

          But it was very fermented.

 36       chiyakubotik o:

          ch-  -i-  yakub     -otik  o

          ICP- -1A- get_drunk -1APLI REL

          We would get drunk from it.


 37  j;     pasem tajmek

          pas     -em ta   j-   mek

          do,make -PF PREP one- NC[time]

          It was very fermented.

 38       ji chiyakubotik o a`a

          ji  ch-  -i-  yakub     -otik  o   a`a

          yes ICP- -1A- get_drunk -1APLI REL indeed

          So we would get drunk from it.


 39  p;                     chopol tajmek

                            chopol ta   j-   mek

                            bad    PREP one- NC[time]

                            Very bad.