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Benton, Illinois (USA)
ESSAY 2: Central Illinois farm towns
Question:  What do you think life is like in the farm country in central Illinois -- good and bad?
Describe what the people are like who live there.
Which is a better place to live - a farm town in central Illinois or Benton? Why?  (write at least two paragraphs)
Johnson's 8th Grade English Class 
N.B. M and F in the parenthetical material following each essay refer to the student's gender.  Spelling has been corrected at school's request.

1- I would rather live in Benton because I would not know what it would be like on a farm in Central Illinois. There might be more farms there than houses they also might grow different things there.
 I would rather live in Benton because there is mostly houses than there are farms but we have a few farms so people could grow their food.  We also can plant any kind of food that can be planted.

(F who never visited a Central Illinois farm town)

2- I think farming in central Illinois would be about the same as in Benton.  The people would be more into farming and not like town people.
I would like living here because people are more city like and not farm like.

(F who never visited a Central Illinois farm town)

3- I think life in a farm town in central Illinois would be good. It is probably very much similar to live in Benton.  There is farming in Benton too.  A lot of people I know live on farms.  So I think it would be a good place to live.
 I think Benton would be a better place to live.  There are many things to do in Benton.  Another reason is that I like the people in Benton.  This is why I think Benton would be a better place to live.

(M who never visited a Central Illinois farm town)

4-  I think that living in Central Illinois would be a good life, but not better than Benton’s.  I think that there would be too much farmland to do anything and it would get boring.  The people up there are really nice because I’ve been up through there before.
 I think that Benton would be better because there would be more things to do in Benton.

(M who visited relatives in a Central Illinois farm town)

5- Good & bad because, good because you get to grow your own food and bad because there is no mall and towns for a while.
 It’s good because you don’t have to run to the store every night to get something.  You have your milk, corn,
green beans, and you can butcher meat when ever you need it, it is all right there. It is also bad because you’re in the middle of nowhere.  There is fields all around you so, there is no stores or malls for a while.  So when you need something it takes a while.

The people that here are hicks, they all hunt & have four-wheelers.
It would probably be better in Benton.  There is farmland and there is still stores and things.

(M has visited relatives in a Central Illinois farm town)

6- Living in central Illinois, I don’t think, would be much different than living in Benton.  We both have agricultural communities and small towns.  I feel like both areas have about the same, weather, lifestyle, and crime rate, so I wouldn’t care to live in central Illinois.

(M who never visited a Central Illinois farm town)

7- Think it would be better to live in Benton than on a farm.  On a farm there isn’t many people around you and you might get bored.
 In Benton you can go to the movies or do something in town.  But if you on a farm in the country it will take longer to get into the town and you won’t be able to do as much fun things.

(F who gave no response on experience with a Central Illinois farm town)

8- I believe that life on a farm would be much like life in the outskirts of Benton.  Some good parts to living in the country is you could have more animals there and you could grow your own food instead of having to go to the store every week.
 One bad part about living in the farmland is you might be pretty isolated from everyone else like your friends & family in the city.  If it were me I would rather live in the city.

(M who visited friends in a Central Illinois farm town)

9- Benton & a farm town in central IL.  Benton I think is better than farm town.  Because Benton you're around more people.  In the Farm town you're all by your self.  I think it would be a lot more better in Benton than the Farm town.

(M who never visited a Central Illinois farm town)

10- I think life would be good because of privacy with your work and your living style.  Less pollution in your living area and more time for fun.
 You need time and privacy in your home.  Living out on a farm would be fun because most of the time out in the country you're by yourself.  The style in what you live in also is a big factor because you could decorate your house any way you wanted.  A farm town would also have less crime than a city.

(F who never visited a Central Illinois farm town)

11- Farm country would be good because you could grow and raise your own food.  You could grow crops and raise cattle for fruit, vegetable, meats and milk.  You could also have chickens for eggs, and could live off your land.
 There are bad parts to living on a farm, too.  Even though it would be good business, there are not as many job opportunities.  You would also be farther away from everything most of the time.

(F who never visited a Central Illinois farm town)

12- I think that I would rather live in Benton than on a farm.  Farm life would not fit me.  I do not like to farm so I don’t think I would like it.
 I think that living on a farm would be boring.  There would be too much to do.  I would have to pick crops, feed animals, and I would also have to milk cows.
To conclude, I don’t think that I would like farm life.  Benton is my better place to live.

(F who gave no response on Central Illinois farm towns)

13- Do I think life would be good/bad in central Illinois?  Yes I think it would be good.  Living on a farm would bring joy, and goodness to my heart, and life, or even living by a farm.  Not as much pollution is around you, as much as there would be in Benton, or Chicago.
 People are kind and thankful who live on farms.  It’s a tough life and you would have to work hard.  People who live on a farm sometimes have to provide for themselves off of the land.

(F who never visited a Central Illinois farm town)

14- Living on a farm would probably get very hectic and be very difficult sometimes.  There can be good and bad things happen on a farm.  Some good things are all the food you get from all the crops.  The fields that you can play football in are very good too. Some of the bad things are the very difficult things that have to be done at certain times of the year.  All the machinery would be hard to buy.  The people would probably be good old time nice people.

(M who never visited a Central Illinois farm town)

15-  (no essay #2 provided)

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Last updated: April 18, 1998
Email any comments or suggestions on this Website to: Paul Sundberg