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Benton, Illinois (USA)
ESSAY 1: Chicago
Question:  What do you think life is like in Chicago -  good and bad?
Describe what the people are like who live there.
Which is a better place to live - Benton or Chicago?  Why?
(write at least two paragraphs)
Johnson's 8th Grade English Class 
N.B. M and F in the parenthetical material following each essay refer to the student's gender. Spelling has been corrected at school's request.

1- I think life in Chicago is bad because a lot of people can get killed or hurt really bad because Chicago is kind of like a city.
 I think Benton is a better place to live because in Benton there is not a lot of crimes and you would not get shot by someone.

(F who never visited Chicago)

2- I think Chicago is both good in some ways and bad in some ways.  Like in the good way it is very educational from the museums and historical places.  In a bad way too. Like the violence is bad in Chicago but in Benton the violence isn’t that bad.
I would rather live in Benton because there is less violence.

(F who visited Chicago)

3- I would rather live in Benton.  I think life in Chicago would be good.  There is more things to do in Chicago than in Benton.  I do not like Big cities.  That is why I like Benton.
 I think Benton is a better place to live.  People from Chicago are not much different than people from Benton I do not think.

(M who never visited Chicago)

4- Life in Chicago could be good or bad.  I think that Chicago would be a good life because of all the shopping places.  Chicago would also have better money support for school activities. Benton is a quiet little town.  It’s a lot safer than Chicago though, but Chicago would have better malls and eating places.  Chicago is a lot more dangerous though because of all the gangs and pickpockets.

(M who visited Chicago)

5- I would like to live in Chicago, and I would like to live in Benton. I think that it would be nice to live in Chicago of the malls & stores.  It also has some nice pools, tennis courts & streets unlike Benton.  But I would also like to live in Benton because, it’s small so you know what & where everything is.  Plus, you have a less chance of getting jumped.

(M who visited Chicago)

6- Living in Chicago would be very different from living in Southern Illinois.  Somethings would be good, some would be bad. I think that living in Chicago would be neat, firstly, because you would be so close to so many things.  You could see three different major sports teams, you would be close to many museums and historical sites, and you could do so many tours and things.  I also think it would be neat because you would be around so many different people.
 I like living in Benton best because it [is] so much simpler.  You hardly ever worry about traffic or commuting, there’s not near as much serious crime, and you know so many people personally.

(M who visited Chicago)

7- Life in Chicago could be good or bad.  I think Chicago would be good for all of the good shopping places.  Chicago might have more money for school activities.
Benton is a quiet little town.  It’s a lot safer than Chicago.  But Chicago would have good malls.  But Chicago is a lot more dangerous and not as safe as Benton.

(F who visited Chicago)

8-  Living in Chicago would be very different from life in Benton.  Living in Benton, I think, would be much easier than life in Chicago.  The reasons I think this is because in Chicago there are crimes all over the city everyday.  Gangs here aren’t that common around here but there are many gangs and stuff there.  Also, the schools are very big and in my opinion they and the whole city are over populated.

(M who never visited Chicago)

9-  Living in Chicago and living in Benton.  There are many different things.  There are good & bad things in Benton & Chicago.  Some of the good things are, Chicago has more buildings and places to go.  The bad things are, Chicago has too  much pollution.  Benton has good and bad things also.  They have not as much pollution as Chicago.  But Benton is not as exciting as Chicago.

(M who visited Chicago)

10- Living in Chicago is very different from living in Southern Illinois.  Chicago has very many gangs and social groups that act negatively to others and themselves.  There are not that many gangs in Southern Illinois.  In fact none in Benton.  In Benton one thing that is good is that everybody knows everyone that lives here.  Chicago is such a big town that you really can’t know everybody that lives there.  To some people they think that Chicago is dangerous.
 I think Chicago would be better to live in because of more possibilities and success in life.  You can also do more in business and work on your future.

(F who visited Chicago)

11- I think life in Chicago is good and bad.  It is good because there are lots of wonderful places to go.  For example, the Sears Tower, Navy Pier and lots of museums.  There are also lots of good places to shop & eat.
 Life in Chicago would be bad because there is a lot more crime there than there is in Southern Illinois.  There are lots of murders, gangs and robberies.  I think that is the worst part, but then there is pollution.  There are lots of cars, buses, planes and boats in Chicago.  There are also more people who smoke and pollute the water and streets.  That is a bad part, too.
I think that Chicago is good and bad.  There are also good & bad parts to Benton, so I don’t know where I would want to live more.

(F who visited Chicago)

12- Living in Chicago would be a really big change from living in Benton.  It would be both a good change and bad change.

The good change would be getting to know new people, and more things to do.  Some people in Chicago would be like people in Benton, others might be meaner than some people in Benton.

The bad change would be gangs, shootings, and drugs.  There would also be a lot more mean people.  More gang members too.
To conclude, I think I would rather live in Benton.  It would be both a good change and bad change.

(F who never visited Chicago)

13- Living in Chicago would be very different from living in Benton.  Living in Chicago could be good or bad.  Chicago is a very big city, there are good areas, and bad areas.  There are also a lot more jobs there than in Benton.

(F who never visited Chicago)

14- Living in Chicago would be very different from living in Southern Illinois.  There are many things good and bad.  The good things that are good are all the shopping, sports teams, and the many places to visit.  People are very cluttered and probably can get very mean if you tempt them.  Some of the bad things are the people who live there.  There are many gangs there.
I feel Benton is a better place.

(M who never visited Chicago)

15- Living in Chicago would be very different than being in Southern Illinois.  There are many positive things about living in Chicago.  They are the sports such as the Chicago Bulls, and the Chicago Cubs.  Some negative things about living in Chicago would be the gangs, and the smoky city.
(F who visited Chicago)

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Last updated: April 18, 1998
Email any comments or suggestions on this Website to: Paul Sundberg