Donald A. Norman
University of California, San Diego
In 1988, the Soviet Union's Phobos 1 satellite was lost on its way to
Mars. Why? According to Science magazine, "not long after the launch,
a ground controller omitted a single letter in a series of digital
commands sent to the spacecraft. And by malignant bad luck, that
omission caused the code to be mistranslated in such a way as to
trigger the test sequence" (the test sequence was stored in ROM, but
was intended to be used only during checkout of the spacecraft while
on the ground) [7]. Phobos went into a tumble from which it never
What a strange report. "Malignant bad luck"? Why bad luck: why not
bad design? Wasn't the problem the design of the command language
that allowed such a simple deviant event to have such serious
The effects of electrical noise on signal detectability,
identification, and reliability are well known. Designers are
expected to use error-detecting and correcting codes. Suppose
interference from known sources of electromagnetic noise had
corrupted the signal to Phobos. We would not blame the ground
controllers: we would say that the system designers did not follow
standard engineering practice, and we would reconsider the design of
the system so as to protect against this problem in the future.
People err. That is a fact of life. People are not precision
machinery designed for accuracy. In fact, we humans are a different
kind of device entirely. Creativity, adaptability, and flexibility
are our strengths. Continual alertness and precision in action or
memory are our weaknesses. We are amazingly error tolerant, even when
physically damaged. We are extremely flexible, robust, and creative,
superb at finding explanations and meanings from partial and noisy
evidence. The same properties that lead to such robustness and
creativity also produce errors. The natural tendency to interpret
partial information -- although often our prime virtue -- can cause
operators to misinterpret system behavior in such a plausible way
that the misinterpretation can be difficult to discover.
Quite a lot is known about human performance and the way it applies
to system interaction [1]. Several classes of human error have been
identified and studied and conditions that increase the likelihood of
error can be specified in advance [3, 4, 5]. Communication systems
can be designed to be error-tolerant and error-detecting or
correcting. In a similar way, we could devise a science of
error-tolerant, detecting or minimization interactions with human
operators [2].
Many advances have been made in our understanding of the hardware and
software of information processing systems, but one major gap
remains: the inclusion of the human operator into the system
analysis. The behavior of an information processing system is not a
product of the design specifications: it is a product of the
interaction between the human and the system. The designer must
consider the properties of all the system components -- including the
humans -- as well as their interactions. The various technical
publications of the field attest to a concern with software and
hardware, but emphasis on human functionality and capability is
lacking. Many failures of information systems are attributed to human
error rather than to the design. We are going to suffer continued
failures until we learn to change our approach.
One of the first things needed is a change in attitude. The behavior
we call human error is just as predictable as system noise, perhaps
more so: therefore, instead of blaming the human who happens to be
involved, it would be better to try to identify the system
characteristics that led to the incident and then to modify the
design, either to eliminate the situation or at least to minimize the
impact for future events. One major step would be to remove the term
"human error" from our vocabulary and to re-evaluate the need to
blame individuals. A second major step would be to develop design
specifications that consider the functionality of the human with the
same degree of care that has been given to the rest of the
In the case of the Soviet Mars probe, the American journal Science
wrote its report as if the incompetence of the human controller had
caused the problem. Science interviewed Roald Kremnev, director of
the Soviet Union's spacecraft manufacturing plant. Here is how
Science reported the discussion: "what happened to the controller who
made the error? Well, Kremnev told Science with a dour expression, he
did not go to jail or to Siberia. In fact, it was he who eventually
tracked down the error in the code. Nonetheless, said Kremnev, 'he
was not able to participate in the later operation of Phobos' " [7].
Both the reporter's question and the answer presuppose the notion of
blame. Even though the operator tracked down the error, he was still
punished (but at least not exiled). But what about the designers of
the language and software or the methods they use? Not mentioned. The
problem with this attitude is that it prevents us from learning from
the incident, and allows the error-prone situation to remain.
Stories of related failures of computer systems due to "human error"
are easy to find in every industry: nuclear power, aviation,
business, the stock market, and of course, the computer industry
itself. In the August, 1989 issue of the Communications of the ACM,
the following item appeared in the section News Track: "A computer
operator at Exxon's Houston headquarters has been fired for
inadvertently destroying computer copies of thousands of documents
with potentially important information relating to the Alaskan oil
spill. The ex-employee, however, says he is being used as a scapegoat
and that none of the tapes he erased were labelled 'Do Not Destroy.'
" The information provided about this incident is too sparse to form
a conclusion, but if the system had been designed with the
characteristics of human operators in mind, the preservation of tapes
would not depend upon the existence of a simple (human-generated?)
label "do not destroy." Thus, either the incident would not have
happened, or the excuse would not have been plausible.
Perhaps it is time for the ACM to take the lead in this matter for
the design of computational systems. There is considerable expertise
among its members, including the Committee on Computers and Public
Policy and one special interest group devoted to related issues
(SIGCHI, the Special Interest Group on Computer-Human
There is also a convenient place to start. On the electronic computer
networks, Peter Neumann moderates the valuable Forum on risks to the
public in computers and related systems, labelled as an activity of
the ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy. This RISKS forum
collects, reports, and comments on incidents that include human error
and design, but these are not sufficiently precise or authoritative
to be used for professional advancement of the field. The sources of
the information are often reports in the media, reports that are
incomplete, usually written before all relevant information is
gathered, and subject to other sources of inaccuracies and biases.
(The items from Science and the CACM's News Track that I cited
exhibit all these sources of unreliability.) There is a lot of
potential benefit to be gained through the careful study of design
failures: other disciplines have learned to benefit through such
careful review and analysis [6]. In reviewing the cases presented in
the RISKS forum, why not use them as guides to better design?
There are several existing systems used in other industries that
could provide a model. One major source of valuable advice in the
aviation community is a collection of incidents known as ASRS, the
Aviation Safety Reporting System, run by NASA-Ames, with a
computer-readable database administered by Battelle. Here, people in
the aviation community who witness or commit errors or other related
problems write a description of the incident and their interpretation
and mail them to ASRS. The ASRS investigators may call back to check
on accuracy or get more information, but once the information has
been confirmed and clarified, the part of the form that contains the
submitter's identification is returned to that individual. ASRS also
removes all identifying information to make it impossible for the
particular submitter or incident to be determined. This anonymity is
critical to the accuracy and completeness of the database. Because
NASA has no regulatory power and has a good record for keeping the
sources confidential, this database has become trusted by the
aviation community. People are now willing to describe their own
actions if they believe the report will be useful for the improvement
of aviation safety. Many improvements in cockpit and other parts of
aircraft design have been made by designers who have studied the
patterns of errors that can be seen in this database.
A critical aspect of the ASRS system is that the reports are not seen
by any supervisors of the submitters. Similar attempts in other
industries have failed because their reports were submitted through a
chain of authority that included the person's supervisor or plant
management -- people who have biases to sanitize the report or to
form negative judgements of the reporter. Thus, the incident
reporting system for the nuclear industry is not an impartial guide
to actual operating practices. Anonymity and self-report have worked
well, along with a system of verification and clarification such as
is performed by the NASA ASRS team (mostly composed of retired
aviation professionals).
In similar fashion, the United States National Transportation Safety
Board (NTSB) performs a detailed analysis of transportation accidents
(aviation, highway, marine, railroad, and pipeline). These reports
are extremely valuable and are a major force in the improvement of
safety in the relevant industries. (The NTSB reports are, by statute,
not allowed to be used in legal proceedings to determine culpability
for an event. This kind of protection is essential in today's
litigious society to allow the investigation to proceed without fear
that the results will be misinterpreted or misused.)
Should the ACM sponsor similar initiatives? I don't know, for its
issues are different from those faced by other industries. But I
propose that the ACM investigate the possible ways of improving this
part of the profession. The ACM could take the lead in establishing
some positive, constructive actions to elevate the human side of
computing to a level of concern and respectability equal to that of
the physical and symbolic side.
1. Helander, M. Handbook of human-computer interaction. 1988.
2. Leveson, N. G. Software Safety: Why, What, and How. ACM Computing
Surveys, 18, 2 (1986),
3. Norman, D. A. Design rules based on analyses of human error. CACM,
4 (1983), 254-258.
4. Norman, D. A. The psychology of everyday things. Basic Books, New
York, 1988.
5. Perrow, C. Normal accidents. Basic Books, New York, 1984.
6. Petroski, H. To engineer is human: The role of failure in
successful design. St. Martin's Press, New York, 1985.
7. Waldrop, M. M. Phobos at Mars: A dramatic view -- and then
failure. Science, 245 (1989), 1044-5.