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Excursus: Eskimo Words for Snow

The famous line that “Eskimo have a hundred words for snow” apparently originated in speculation, not research. The image is vivid, and it makes the correct point that languages tend to elaborate vocabulary in areas of focal interest to their speakers. Still, Eskimo languages in fact have nowhere near the prodigious numbers of words for snow assumed for them. Because of your great curiosity on this subject, here are some entries from four dictionaries of Eskimo languages.

BADTEN, Linda Womkon
1987 A dictionary of the St. Lawrence Island/Siberian Yupik Eskimo language. Compiled by Linda Womkon Badten, Vera Oovi Kaneshiro, Marie Oovi; edited by Steven A. Jacobson. 2nd prelim ed. Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center, College of Liberal Arts, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Page 390. UCSD: PM94 .Z5B33.
snow bunting: mesaqaaghaq
snow, drifting snow: pightuq
snow flurries: umegreghaq
snow in air: qaik
snow melting in spring: qangaari
snow on ground: anigu
snow, soft and deep: aghpumla, apumek,
kalevnaq, mughayaneq, qetumla
snow, wet snow falling: ughugesnaq
snowdrift: gengaghuq
snowed in: anigute
snowflake: qanik

LOWE, Ronald
1984 Uummarmiut uqalungiha mumikhitchirutingit = Basic Uummarmiut Eskimo dictionary. Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Canada: Committee for Original Peoples Entitlement. Page 248. UCSD PM64 .Z9U956
deep soft — mauya
drifting — natirvik
—is drifting along the ground natirvikhuq
fallen — apun
falling — qannik
packed — aniu
soft — aqiya
sugar — pukak
wet — mitchak
snowflake qannik
is snowing qannikhuq
is snowing heavily qannikpaur^araa
is snowing lightly qannialar^uk
is covered with — apigaa
something covered with — aputr^aq
fetches — to make water aniutaqtuq
took the — off it aputaiyaraa
snowbank aniuvak
snowblock kaataq
snowdrift, small —resembling a ripple qayuq¬lak
snowhouse aputr^aq, iglu

MacLEAN, Edna Ahgeak
1981 Inupiallu tannillu uqalunisa ilanich = Abridged Inupiaq and English dictionary. Fairbanks, Alaska: Alaska Native Language Center, University of Alaska & Barrow, Alaska: Inupiat Language Commission, North Slope Borough. Page 148. UCSD PM63 .M29
snow (lying on a surface) apun
to snow qannIk-
for there to be blowing snow at ground level natiögIk-(i)
to become snow-covered api-(t)

1958 Dictionary; English-Eskimo, Eskimo-English. Rev. ed. Ottawa: Research Center for Amerindian Anthropology, University of Ottawa. Page 52. UCSD: PM63 .T5
snow (spread out) aput.
snow beating (is beating snow) tiluktortok
snow block (for building) auverk.
snow drifting (it is drifting) perksertok
snow (first snow fall) apingaut.
snow (for melting into water) aniuk, anio.
snow is hard sitidlorak.
snow-house iglu
snow (like salt) pokaktok
snow (mixed with water) massak
snow (newly drifted) akelrorak
snow (on clothese, boots etc.) ayak
snow (is soft) mauyak, mauyaôlertok
snows (it) kannertok.

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