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Content created: 2001-09-15
File last modified: 190121

Gallery of Arapesh Pictures (Chapter 2b)

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Click for EnlargementPicture 12:
Luxuriant yam vines point to an abundant harvest a few months later.
Click for EnlargementPicture 13:
Long yams, appropriately decorated, are carried from the gardens for later, more elaborate, display.
Click for EnlargementPicture 14:
Long yams being assembled for a secret Tambaran feast. During these conclaves, the non-initiates are told that the cult spirits assume material form and consume the feast.
Click for EnlargementPicture 15:
A display of their decorated long yams is mounted by the men of Ilifalemb ward. Admiring visitors are welcome!
Click for EnlargementPicture 16:
A baby needs to be cuddled.
Click for EnlargementPicture 17:
The Nanu river west of Ilahita, near the spot where an armed German patrol shot and killed an Ilahita man early in the twentieth century.

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These illustrations are provided as an expansion of those in:

TUZIN, Donald F.
2000 Social Complexity in the Making: A Case Study Among the Arapesh of New Guinea. London: Routledge. ISBN: 0-415-22899-9