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Content created 2010-10-05
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Homo ergaster/erectus

Most Famous Specimens:
“Nariokotome Boy” (aka “Turkana Boy”) (1.6 mya)
Lake Turkana (Kenya), Swartkrans (South Africa), Dmanisi (Republic of Georgia) Drimolen (South Africa)
Time Range:
2-1.5 mya.
Cranial Capacity:
870 cc
Postcranial Features:
Nariokotome Boy is sometimes described as having a classic “runner’s” body: long legs, but relatively short forearms, low, wide shoulders, short toes, arched feet, and narrow hips.
Special Note:
These specimens were formerly classed with Homo erectus. Some writers still prefer that classification. The main difference is that ergaster specimens tend to be found in Africa and to be earlier and more gracile, while erectus specimens tend to be Eurasian, later, and more robust.
The famous Nariokotome Boy died as an early adolescent, important because of the completeness of the specimen. He was probably between 8 and 11 years old and 1.6 m tall. He would probably have grown to about 1.8 m in height (roughly 6 feet).
Wikipedia link


Homo ergaster Skull
(KNM-ER 3733)
(Dept of Anthropology, UCSD)


Waxwork Reconstruction of Nariokotome Boy
(San Diego Museum of Man)

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