Content created: 2012-11-24
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Content created: 2012-11-24
File last modified:
This page will change the background color to whatever you designate.
Simply fill in the name of a color or else any hexidecimal color code from 000000 to FFFFFF and click on "Show Me" to see the result.
The most critical text on this page is displayed in both black & white in order to remain legible regardless of the colors you select. The color codes below the input boxes help show how a given background would look with text in some of the named colors. The table at the end provides examples of more of the colors that can be designated by name.
aqua 00FFFF aqua 00FFFF |
black 000000 black 000000 |
blue 0000FF blue 0000FF |
brown* A52A2A brown* A52A2A |
coral* FF7F50 coral* FF7F50 |
crimson* DC143C crimson* DC143C |
cyan* 00FFFF cyan* 00FFFF |
darkblue* 00008B darkblue* 00008B |
forestgreen* 228B22 forestgreen* 228B22 |
gold* FFD700 gold* FFD700 |
gray 808080 gray 808080 |
green 008000 green 008000 |
ivory* FFFFF0 ivory* FFFFF0 |
lavender* E6E6FA lavender* E6E6FA |
lightyellow* FFFFE0 lightyellow* FFFFE0 |
lime 00FF00 lime 00FF00 |
magenta* FF00FF magenta* FF00FF |
maroon 800000 maroon 800000 |
navy 000080 navy 000080 |
olive 808000 olive 808000 |
orange* FFA500 orange* FFA500 |
purple 800080 purple 800080 |
red FF0000 red FF0000 |
silver C0C0C0 silver C0C0C0 |
skyblue* 87CEEB skyblue* 87CEEB |
teal 008080 teal 008080 |
turquoise* 40E0D0 turquoise* 40E0D0 |
white FFFFFF white FFFFFF |
yellow FFFF00 yellow FFFF00 |
*-Asterisked color names are unofficial, but still work.
*-Asterisked color names are unofficial, but still work. |