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Grammar Terms

Adjectives & Adverbs
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adjective, participle, modification, comparison, adverb


An adjective is a word used to modify (i.e., to describe or limit) a noun or noun phrase. Words like “red,” “tall” “exhausted” are adjectives. Adjectives formed from verbs are participles, q.v.

Several types of adjectives are sometimes discriminated. Here are some examples:

  1. Descriptive adjective: “an old man”
  2. Interrogative adjective: “whose money?”
  3. Numerical adjective (cardinal): “three people”
  4. Numerical adjective (ordinal): “the third person”
  5. Demonstrative adjective: “that dog”
  6. Indefinite adjective: “some idiot “
  7. Possessive adjective: “my sister”
  8. Predicate adjective: “The palace is pretentious.”
Obs.: In English a word which is normally a noun can be used as an adjective if placed before another noun: “She is a school administrator.”


A participle is an adjective derived from a verb. See participle under verbs.


Modification refers to the process by which a word, phrase, or clause renders another entity more specific. Adjectives, adverbs, and subordinate clauses all modify other entities.


Comparison is the quality of an adverb or adjective of being comparative or superlative.

Comparative. The comparative is a distinctive form used in an adjective to show its relative intensity across two or more applications. In English comparative forms typically involve the adverb “more” or the suffix -ER:

Superlative The superlative is a distinctive form used in an adjective to show its relative intensity above two or more applications. In English superlative forms typically involve the adverb “most” or the suffix -EST:


An adverb is an invariant word that modifies a verb, adjective, another adverb, or occasionally a whole sentence. (It does not modify nouns. That is the job of adjectives.)

Some words are only adverbs (such as “very,” “only,” and “soon”). Others are derived from adjectives (such as “coldly,” “importantly,” and “stupidly”). Some words are used both as adjectives and adverbs (“fast”). In colloquial speech adjectives are often pressed into service as adverbs.

Obs.: Typically “adverb” refers to a single word, but prepositional phrases and adverbs often have identical functions and tend to grade into each other.

Some words, usually relating to time, work both as adverbs and as nouns. For example: “I’ll see you tomorrow (adverb). Tomorrow (noun) is another day.”

(Footnote for Students of Esperanto)

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