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Content created: 2001-01-06
File last modified: 2021-12-17

Lesson 9: Prefix Review

Here again are the tables of prefixes that have been presented so far. They are tricky because many are so similar, but they are also easy because there are no irregularities. Once you have learned them, they always apply. The table is printed again at the end of this page. If you want access to the separate reference page used in the previous review, simply click on one of the "Fetch Tables" buttons.

  Possessive Subject Object Reflexive
1 n(o)t(o) n(i)t(i) -h nëchtëch n(o)t(o)
2 m(o) am(o) t(i) am/ an -h mitz amëch m(o) m(o)
3 ï ïm/ïn - -h c, qui quim/ quim m(o) m(o)

Complete the following exercises:

Remember that, in these exercises, the Answer Ghost that removes incorrect answers from the answer boxes will assume that all objects that can be singular are. It will also assume that the first translation in a list is the one you should use if it is at all applicable. Thus cihuätl means "wife, woman"; the Answer Ghost will demand "wife" if it is at all possible to use it. Finally, remember that when you enter Nahuatl words the Answer Ghost does not permit you to enter long vowels.


calli = house



ahmo cihuätl
ahmo -.mo.cihuä.uh
ïcal mocihuäuh
ahmo ïcal mocihuäuh
ahmo nocihuäuh
my wife*
ahmo tiamcihuähuän
I am your wife*

cihuätl = wife, woman
ahmo = no, not

*-Remember that when you type Nahuatl replies, you should not mark the long vowels.


am.i.pïpil.huän to.tahtzin
ti.quim.maca in octli Juan ïhuän itahtzin
ti.c.cua.h ätölli
ti.c.cua.h m.ätöl
nicmaca in ätölli
ahmo nimitzmaca in ätölli
namëchmaca in ätölli ampipilhuan
niquimmaca in ätölli in topïpilhuän
totlacual ätölli ïhuän nacatl
ticuah mätöl
cintli itlacual in huehxölötl
ticmaca in huehxölötl in notahtzin
quïchtequih in cintli
tipähuacih in tamalli
quipähuaci motamal
quipähuacih motamal ïhuän monac
tipïpilhuän tonäntzin
nacatl itlacual in öcëlotl
huehxölötl itlacual öcëlotl
ahmo itlacual in öcëlotl in totahtzin ïhuän in tonäntzin
tipïpilhuän tonäntzin

maca Vt = to give
pähuaci Vt = to cook
pähuaxilia Vt = to cook (something for)
ichtequi Vt = to steal
cua Vt = eat
tlacualli = food
octli = pulque (alcoholic drink)
ïhuän = and, together with
ätölli = atole (corn gruel)
cintli = ear of corn
huehxölötl = turkey
nacAtl (possessed = nac) = meat
tlacualli = food
tamalli = tamal (filled corn pastry)
näntli = mother
tahtli = father

Vocabulary (Again)
maca Vt = to give
pähuaci Vt = to cook
pähuaxilia Vt = to cook (something for)
ichtequi Vt = to steal
cua Vt = eat
tlacualli = food
octli = pulque (alcoholic drink)
ïhuän = and, together with
ätölli = atole (corn gruel)
cintli = ear of corn
huehxölötl = turkey
nacAtl (possessed = nac) = meat
tlacualli = food
tamalli = tamal (filled corn pastry)
näntli = mother
tahtli = father


The Same Table Given Above
  Possessive Subject Object Reflexive
1 n(o)t(o) n(i)t(i) -h nëchtëch n(o)t(o)
2 m(o) am(o) t(i) am/ an -h mitz amëch m(o) m(o)
3 i im/in - - -h c, qui quim/ quim m(o) m(o)

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Challenge: Several forms in the table are identical, and that makes for a lot of initial confusion. But it is rare not to be able to tell them apart when they are used. Locate all the identical pairs (for example first-person singular possessive and first-person singular reflexive) and tell how the members of each pair can be told apart in an actual text.

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