Quiz created: 100321

Three Kingdoms (Quiz 3)

Prominent People in the Three Kingdoms Saga

Instructions: For each item in the left column enter the number of the corresponding item in the right column. If the number you enter is correct, the right answer will be copied to the adjacent box. Otherwise a "sad faced smiley" will appear in that space. NOBODY wants to deal with a "sad faced smiley"!

When all the boxes are correctly filled in, the screen will change color to show its manic enthusiasm.

The first item is done for you as an example. Some items in the list on the right may be used more than once or not used at all.

This quiz is for your own practice only; no record of your progress is kept or reported to anyone.

LIÚ Bèi 刘备

CÁO Cāo 曹操
CÁO Pī 曹丕
DǑNG Zhuō 董卓
GUĀN Yǔ 关羽
SŪN Quán 孙权
YUÁN Shào 袁绍
ZHĀNG Fēi 张飞
ZHŌU Yú 周瑜
ZHŪGĚ Liàng 诸葛亮
1. Hàn 汉 Enemy of CÁO Cāo 曹操
2. State of Shǔ 蜀国
3. State of Wèi 魏国
4. State of Wú 吴国

Possible points: 9

This consummately cool, pedagogically compelling, self-correcting,
matching quiz was produced automatically from a
simple text file of questions using D.K. Jordan's
dubiously original, but publicly accessible
Matchmaker Quizmaking Program
of August 29, 2008.