Page Outline
- Procursus
- Master Sūn Wǔ 孙武 Drills China’s First Female Soldiers
- Páng Juān 庞涓 Betrays Master Sūn Bìn 孙膑 Out of Envy
- Master Sūn Bìn 孙膑 Advises Tián Jì 田忌 in Chariot Racing
- Qí 齐 Besieges Wèi 魏 to Rescue Zhào 赵
- Master Sūn Bìn 孙膑 Takes Revenge on Páng Juān 庞涓
- Master Wú Qǐ 吴起 Virtuously Kills His Wife (Summary)
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Tomb of the Two Concubines of King Hélú of Wú
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Chinese Court Mutilating a Convict
(Thomas Knox, Overland Through Asia, 1870, p. 332)
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