Thoughts for the Day

Today is Sunday, June 30, 2024.

That means that today is day number 182 of the year or 183 days before the end of the year.

Today's Wise Thought From a Famous Person is:
(Number 358 out of 732)

“Her laugh made beetles swoon; her frown
Made geese and cows turn upside down.”
—Edward Gorey (artist) in The Disrespectful Summons

Today's Quotation Without Comment is:
(Number 240 out of 491)

“The President has released his blooper, uh the President has released his budget.”
—News Reporter, KNX, Los Angeles

Today's Made-Up Proverb is:
(Number 151 out of 310)

“Indignation is the enemy of explanation.”
— Anonymous Maxim-Maker

Today's First Provocative International Factoid is:
(Number 182 out of 373)

In Iran it is illegal for a private person to own a satellite dish because “most satellite channels not only weaken the foundation of families, but also cause improper behavior in children,” according to Mohammad Reza Naghdi, head of the Sasij militia.

Today's Second Provocative International Factoid is:
(Number 252 out of 515)

In 2017-18 research by Nathan Cogdon at Queen’s University, Belfast, showed that the rise in productivity among tea pickers, seamstresses, and other third-world piece workers over 40 rose nearly 40% when they were provided with eye glasses, the most effective medical intervention even shown in such a trial (greater even than mosquito nets and micronutrients).

Today's First Provocative U.S. Factoid is:
(Number 204 out of 418)

Margaret Sanger, an early 20th-century feminist and co-founder of Planned Parenthood, saw birth control at least in part as a form of eugenics able to achieve “the gradual suppression, elimination,and eventual extinction of defective stocks” of humans. By the early 21st century she was widely condemned as a racist.

Today's Second Provocative U.S. Factoid is:
(Number 292 out of 596)

Between the establishment of the 85% American “Multi-National Force Iraq” on May 15, 2004, and the change of its name to “American Forces in Iraq” on January 1, 2010, about 3,600 Americans were killed (of a total of 4,371 calculating from the initial American invasion), about 130,000 Iraqi civilians were killed. Several tens of thousands of Iraqis were “detained,” and about 2,000,000 people were driven from their homes. (100102)

Today's Pretentiously Literate Foreign-Language Quote is:
(Number 124 out of 254)

“Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges.”
[It was when the republic was most corrupt that laws were most numerous.]
—Tacitus (AD 55-117): Annales III: 27

Today's Folksy But Profound Chinese Proverb is:
(Number 73 out of 151)

宁为玉碎, 不为瓦全。
(Nìng wéi yù suì, bù wéi wǎ quán.)
"It’s better to be a small chip made of jade than a whole tile made of pottery."

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CGI Script Modified: 2021-12-31