Quiz created: 140909

Neolithic: Essay 3 (Quiz 1)

Instructions: Answer the multiple choice questions, guessing if necessary; then click on the "Process Questions" button at the end of the quiz to see your score in the adjacent message box. The program will not reveal which questions you got wrong, only how many points you have. Go back and change your answers until you get them all right. (The message box will rejoice at that point and the page will change color to show it is tickled pink.)

Points to note: (1) Questions with only one possible answer are one point each. (2) Questions with one or more possible answers (represented by check boxes) give a point for each correct answer, but also subtract a point for each wrong answer! (3) The program will not attempt to score your efforts at all if you have not tried at least half of the questions. (4) This quiz is for your own use only. No record of your progress is kept or reported to anyone.

1. In the text, a tribe is distinguished from a chiefdom based on the degree of
social solidarity 
economic advancement 
concentration of political power 
genetic similarity among the members 
cultural similarity among the members  
No Answer
2. Although Neolithic changes laid the basis for it, social stratification did not in fact become significant in most areas until
the Ice Age  the Iron Age  the Bronze Age  the Epi-Paleolithic   No Answer
3. Neolithic life typically involved pottery, which the essay attributes largely to
greater self-discipline among farmers 
agriculture originating along river basins, where excellent clay could be obtained 
comparative immobility, so weight didn’t matter 
the need for containers in which to cook food 
the use of pottery as “money”  
No Answer
4. According to the essay, there is some truth to the generalization (stereotype) that associates pastoralists with
hoarding  raiding  sharing  selling   No Answer
5. According to the essay, there is some truth to the generalization (stereotype) that associates foragers with
hoarding  raiding  sharing  selling   No Answer
6. According to the essay, there is some truth to the generalization (stereotype) that associates agriculturalists with
hoarding  raiding  sharing  selling   No Answer
7. In the discussion of the unusual Neolithic site of Çatal Hüyük, the notion of “intangible trade goods” is used to explain the peculiar evidence about imports in the town. Several modern cities that conspicuously make use of “intangible trade goods,” including
Damascas  New York  San Diego  Mecca  Beijing  Delhi  No Answer
8. “Transhumance” refers to
hot, wet climates 
a political system in which the leader is considered to be more than human, but not quite a god 
moving made necessary by changes in the ambient moisture, which can affect some domestic animal 
moving between two or more previously occupied sites on a regular seasonal schedule 
a sometimes fatal medical condition, common in the Neolithic, in which people suffer from excessive or inadequate hydration  
No Answer

      Points out of 8:

Awesomeness Score: The following awesomeness score is a measure of how much guessing you did to get all items right. It is 100 if you got all questions right when you clicked the process button for the first time. It gets proportionately lower if it took more clicks, until it hits 0 if your clicks exceeded the number of questions.

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This consummately cool, pedagogically compelling, self-correcting,
multiple-choice quiz was produced automatically from
a simple text file of questions using D.K. Jordan's
dubiously original, but publicly accessible
Think Again Quiz Maker
of August 28, 2014.