Learning Activity Project Guidelines  |  COMM120 P Fall 2013



Working alone or in pairs, develop a learning activity for middle school students that is designed to be carried out over several sessions or as long as an entire semester. You may select a theme of your choice. I encourage you to consider something that you either have some personal knowledge/expertise in or a strong interest in learning about yourself. Your project should involve teaching  about or through the use of one or more aspect of digital media/technology: You either can involve your students in thinking about some aspect of digital communication or you can develop an activity that employs digital media to teach in a creative or innovative way.

Proposal (Due Monday Oct 21th as your WebCT/TED journal entry):

Activity Plan Prototype:

Develop your plans for the activity and put them into a format that you can share with students at HTMMA for feedback. Try to make it as concrete as possible by including any documents or resources that you would use when assigning or initiating the activity in a class. This includes guidelines, worksheets, a timeline (which breaks down the activity step by step), examples, resources (for example, links to websites they might use if appropriate), etc. Be clear about your expectations. What are the requirements? What are options they will have? What type(s) of formal or informal assessment do you plan to incorporate?

You can consider the ways in which the activity accommodates varied levels of experience or knowledge on the part of different students.

It may be worthwhile to put your prototype in a PowerPoint, Prezi (http://prezi.com), Website or other presentation format, since you will be turning in your final version in one of these formats.

Workshop your activity prototype:

Class Presentation: During the week of Dec 3 & 5 you will be presenting your learning activity projects to members of our comm120 class and the HTMMA students. Your presentation should be formatted as a Powerpoint, Prezi, Website or other multimedia format and should include:

Submitting Completed Activity Project:

A final copy of your learning activity project presentation should be shared on WebCT/TED and emailed to me by noon on Thurs, Dec 12th.