COGR 275: Cultures of Care

UCSD Dept of Communication | Spring 2023 
Professor:  Brian Goldfarb
Meetings:  Thursdays: 9 - 11:50 am | MCC 127
Office Hours: Wed 11 - 12:15 ; Thu 12:30 - 1:30
Contact: bgoldfarb [at] ucsd . edu

nurse overseeing bed ridden veterans who are knitting

husband holding hand of wife during delivery of their baby Course Overview: In this graduate seminar we will investigate theories and cultural perspectives on care (both informal and clinical) drawn from scholarship and media across the humanities, social sciences, and medicine. Thematic foci will span 1980s feminist writing on the Ethics of Care to more recent discussions in Disability Studies. Through weekly readings, screenings, and discussions we will consider a range of accounts and theories of care that address ethical, historical, institutional and transnational/global dimensions of how care contributes to institutional and social framing of illness, aging, and disability.

Course Requirements:

  • Weekly reading (approx 60-100 pages) and film/video viewing.
  • Introduce and co-facilitate class discussion for one of the readings or weekly topics.
  • A research paper or project based on a topic related to the theme of the course.
 Required Texts:
  • Linked to the syllabus or on Canvas
  • Suggested: Eva Feder Kittay and Ellen Feder, eds (2002). The Subject of Care: Feminist Perspectives on Care
Course Schedule:
week: 1  |  2  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10

Note:Weekly topics and readings listed here are provisional and may be updated after the course begins--please check this site weekly for updates. Some weeks list a number of readings--required readings will be selected from those listed by the instructor through discussion with participants. Some optional readings will be summarized and discussed by presenters.

                     Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Washing, June 13, 1974,  Maintenance Art Event XI, 

WEEK 1 (April 6) : Course overview: Why Care? (Framing Care)


  • Alison Kafer (2016) "Un/Safe Disclosures/ Scenes of Disability and Trauma"
  • Joan Tronto  (1993) Chapter 4, "Care" 101-126  in Moral Boundaries: A Political Argument for an Ethic of Care

Further Reading:  


  •  Natalie Bookchin, "My Meds" and "Laid Off" from the Testament project, and "Long Stoy Short"
  •  Frederick Wiseman, (1975) Welfare
  • Buddha Collapsed Out of Shame (Buda az sharm foru rikht), Hana Makhmalbaf (Iran, 2007)



WEEK 2 (April 13): Feminist Ethics of Care


Additional Reading:

(April 20): Care of Self. Care of the Other



Alternative/Additional Reading:


WEEK 4 (April 27): Critical Approaches to Empathy

  • Eve Sedgwick, "Introduction" to Touching Feeling (selections) and Axioms 1 & 6 from "Axiomatic," Epistemology of the Closet
  • Luc Boltanski,  "The Politics of Pity," "The Aesthetic Topic," and "How Realistic is Action?" in Distant Suffering: Morality, Media, and Politics
  • Sara Ahmed, "The Organization of Hate"
  • Zena Sharma, “Surviving Together” in The Care We Dream of, [ Kat may also touch on the chapters "Putting Yourself on the Line” and  "Do You Feel Empowered by Your Job? And Other Questions Therapists Ask Sex Workers" ]
  • Zena Sharma, "Sex Work Solidarity as Healing” in The Remedy, [Kat might also touch on "The Disclosure of Specialization: A QPOC Therapist's Questions about Embodied Mirroring and Mentoring”

Alternative/Additional Reading:


WEEK 5 (May 4): Care and the Carceral 


and if you have time:

Alternative/Additional Reading:

Care and the Boundaries of the Nation-State


Alternative/Additional Reading:


WEEK 6 (May 11): Visiting Participant: Joe Stramondo. Politics of Vulnerability. Dependency, Independence, and Interdependence 


Alternative/Additional Reading:



WEEK 7 (May 18): Guest Participant: Suzanne Stolz (Univeristy of San Diego, Dept of Learning and Teaching).


(In)Visible Illness and Unrecognized Difference


Alternative/Additional Reading:

WEEK 8 (May 25): Lay Expertise: Care Activism and Participation in Knowledge Formation


Alternative/Additional Reading:

WEEK 9 (June 1): No Seminar Meeting--final paper/project discussions


Alternative/Additional Reading:

Week 10 (June 8): Care and Design


Alternative/Additional Reading:


Networked and Distributed Care


Alternative/Additional Reading:

Final Paper Due: Thursday, June 15th