
Course Information



Visual Culture (cocu108)
Professor: Brian Goldfarb | Winter 2005, UCSD

Course Schedule:
Note: Readings are due before the class on the date under which they are listed. This schedule is subject to change by the instructor. You will be notified as soon as possible of any changes. Quiz/Exam dates are tentative and may be rescheduled.   This course website has the most up-to- date version of this course schedule and links to resources.



Week 1: Defining Visual Culture (slides and notes)

Further Reading (not required):
Andrew Ross, "Poll Stars"

Visual Resources: Komar and Melamid, Most Wanted Paintings
Joseph Albers' Color theory Exercises:

Week 2: Reading Images (slides and notes)


Week 3: Power and Looking (slides, and more slides, and notes)

Further Reading (not required):
Linda Nochlin, "The Imaginary Orient"


Week 4: Collecting and Exhibiting (slides, and notes)

(Visit the "Past in Reverse" exhibition at San Diego Museum of Art and view ethnographic exhibits at the Mengei Muaeum. Click here for details)

Visual Resources: Coco Fusco and Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Couple in a Cage (in Film and Video Reserves)


Week 5 Collecting and Exhibiting (continued) (slides, and notes) | The Multiplication of Images

Further Reading (not required):

Week 6   Midterm exam | Circulation and Ownership of Images

Further Reading:


Week 7 Style and Subcultures | Performance, Play, and Aesthetics of Pedagogy

Further Reading (not required):
Constance Penley, "Feminism, and the Study of Popular Culture"


Week 8   Image and Identity | Global Visual Culture

Further Reading:
Nestor Garcia Canclini, "Remaking Passports"

      Visual Resources:   Adrian Piper, "Funk Lessons"

Further Reading (not required):
Hamid Naficy "The Making of Exile Cultures"


Week 9 Gender, Sexuality and Visuality

Further Reading (not required):
Sean Nixon, "Exhibiting Masculinity" (Chapter 5, pages 291-329 and associated readings A-B, pages 331-336, in Representation )


Week 10 Scientific Looking | From Electronic to Digital Visual Culture

Further Reading (not required):
William J Mitchell, "How to Do Things with Pictures"
Lev Manovich, "What is Digital Cinema?"

Final Exam: Date TBA (in class exam, scheduled during finals week March 14-19)