Political Science 254                                                        

Professor Amy Bridges

Fall 2004                                                                  




American Political Development


September 27  APD basics

Peter Hall and Rosemary Taylor, “Political Science and the Three    

    Institutionalisms” in Political Studies (1996) XLIV, 936-57 Reader

                        *Scott James and Brian Lawson, “The Political

                             Economy of Voting Rights Enforcement in the Gilded Age:

     Electoral College Competition, Partisan Commitment, and the

     Federal Election Law”, APSR 93 #1:115-131

*Gerardo Munck, “Canons of Research Design in Qualitative  

     Analysis” Studies in Comparative International Development   

     Volume 33 #3 (1988) 18-45


October 4       Stateness

                       R. R. John, Spreading the News, The American Postal System

      from Franklin to Morse

Theda Skocpol, “Bringing the State Back In: Strategies of Analysis  

     in Current Research” in Peter B. Evans et. al, Bringing the State    

    Back in  Reader

Stephen Skowronek, “National Railroad Regulation and the

    Problem of State-Building: Interests and Institutions in Late

    Nineteenth-Century AmericaPolitics & Society 10 #3 (1981)

    225-250  Reader


October 11     Post Office controversy:

            A. Carpenter vs. Weber

                   *Daniel Carpenter, “State Building through Reputation Building:

                        Coalitions of Esteem and Program Innovation in the National Postal

                        System, 1883-1913” Studies in American Political Developm’t 14 #2

                   Max Weber, “Bureaucracy” in Hans Gerth and C. W. Mills, eds., From

Max Weber, pp.196-244 Reader

            B. Carpenter vs. Kernell

                   *Samuel Kernell, “Rural Free Delivery as a Critical Test of Alternative

                        Models of American Political Development” SAPD 15 #1

*Daniel Carpenter, “The Political Foundations of Bureaucratic      

     Autonomy: a Response to Kernell”, ibid. 



* Articles marked with an asterisk may be downloaded directly from SSH


October 18  On Timing and Sequence

                  Amy Bridges, A City in the Republic, Antebellum New York and the

                        Origins of Machine Politics

       *Dietrich Reuschmeyer and John D. Stephens, “Comparing Historical

Sequences – A Powerful Tool for Causal Analysis” Comparative Social Research 16 (1997) 55-72


October 25   The Organizational Life of Parties

Theodore Lowi, “Parties, Politics, and Constitution in the United States”, pp. 238-276 in Wiliam Nisbet Chambers and Walter Dean

 Burnham. The American Party Systems   Reader    

      Clifton Yearly, The Money Machines, Chapters 4, 5  Reader

                  Robert Marcus, Grand Old Party, Chapters 1, 9  Reader


November 1   Path Dependence, Race

            Robert Lieberman, Shifting the Color Line

            *Paul A. David, “Clio and the Economics of QWERTY: The

Necessity of History” in American Economic Review 75 #2 1985:332-337

*James Mahoney, “Path Dependence in Historical Sociology” Theory and

Society 19: 507-548, 2000


November 8  Political Economies

            Richard Bensel, The Political Economy of American Industrialization,

                        77-1900   Preface, Chapters 4-7 (excerpts of these chapters TBA)

            Fred Block, “Economic Instability and Military Strength: The Paradoxes of

the 1950 Rearmament Decision” Politics & Society 10 #1 (1980) 35-56  Reader

David Montejano, Anglos and Mexicans in the Making of Texas,        Appendix, pp. 309-320 Reader

Elizabeth Sanders, Roots of Reform, Farmers, Workers, and the American

State,1877-1917  Introduction, Chapters 3,4  Reserve


November 15  Karen Orren and Stephen Skowronek, The Search for American

Political Development


November 22, 29  Why is social provision in the US so different?

           Kathleen Thelen, “Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Politics”

and additional readings TBA





Students in Political Science 254 will write a research paper on a topic to be approved by Professor Bridges

John, Lieberman, Bensel, and Orren/Skowronek are available at the UC Bookstore.  Articles marked by an asterisk may be downloaded from Roger or Melvyl.  All other readings are either on Reserve in Geisel library or in the course reader, available at Soft Reserves.