Quiz created: 2023-10-23
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Who-Whom Quiz 1

Instructions: Answer the multiple choice questions, guessing if necessary; then click on the "Process Questions" button at the end of the quiz to see your score in the adjacent message box. The program will not reveal which questions you got wrong, only how many points you have. Go back and change your answers until you get them all right. (The message box will rejoice at that point and the page will change color to show it is tickled pink.)

Points to note: (1) Questions with only one possible answer are one point each. (2) Questions with one or more possible answers (represented by check boxes) give a point for each correct answer, but also subtract a point for each wrong answer! (3) The program will not attempt to score your efforts at all if you have not tried at least half of the questions. (4) This quiz is for your own use only. No record of your progress is kept or reported to anyone.

The objective (accusative) form “whom” is rapidly being displaced by the nominative form “who” is most sentences. This rarely leads to confusion, since English generally depends upon word order rather than inflection to show case. Still, there are sticklers for “correct” (= older) usage, and it is a good idea to be aware of what you are doing when you follow or ignore the who/whom distinction, since messing it up can still make you look ignorant, at least in some circles. For each of the following made-up sentences select the “proper” form and the logic that makes it the correct choice.
1. “I never really know WHO/WHOM I can trust.”
The word should be
Who because it is the subject of “trust.” 
Whom because it is the object of “trust.” 
Whom because it is the object of “know.” 
No Answer
2. “Do you know them?” “Know WHO/WHOM?”
The word should be
Who because it is the subject of “know.” 
Whom because it stands for “them.” 
No Answer
3. “The similar costuming makes it hard to keep track of WHO/WHOM is who.”
The word should be
Who because it is the subject if “is.” 
Whom because it is the object of “of.” 
No Answer
4. “That was not the woman WHO/WHOM I saw him with yesterday.”
The word should be
Who because it is in apposition with “the woman.” 
Who because it is in apposition with “I.” 
Whom because it is the object of “saw.” 
Whom because it is the object of “with.” 
No Answer
5. “That was not the woman I saw him with yesterday; WHO/WHOM did you say she was?”
The word should be
Who because it is a complement to “she.” 
Who because it is the subject of “say.” 
Whom because it is the object of “say.” 
No Answer
6. “Do you know them?” “WHO/WHOM?”
The word should be
Who because it is the whole question. 
Whom because it is the object of the implied (but unstated) verb “know,” carried over from the question. 
No Answer
7. “WHOEVER/WHOMEVER you saw on the roof , you should report the incident to the police.”
The word should be
Whoever because it is the subject of “was.” 
Whomever because it is the object of “saw.” 
No Answer
8. “WHOEVER/WHOMEVER you saw on the roof was the same person who your neighbor watched climbing the fence.”
The word should be
Whoever because it is the subject of “was.” 
Whomever because it is the object of “saw.” 
No Answer
9. “Whoever/whomever you saw on the roof was the same person WHO/WHOM your neighbor watched climbing the fence.”
The word should be
Who because it is the subject of “climbing.” 
Whom because it is the object of “watched.” 
No Answer

      Points out of 9:

Awesomeness Score: The following awesomeness score is a measure of how much guessing you did to get all items right. It is 100 if you got all questions right when you clicked the process button for the first time. It gets proportionately lower if it took more clicks, until it hits 0 if your clicks exceeded the number of questions.

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This consummately cool, pedagogically compelling, self-correcting,
multiple-choice quiz was produced automatically from
a simple text file of questions using D.K. Jordan's
dubiously original, but publicly accessible
Think Again Quiz Maker
of April 9, 2021.