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1. | When the emperor went to his palace at Liángshān 梁山 he was displeased to see from the mountain what a great retinue the prime minister had. One of the palace eunuchs informed the prime minister, who thereupon reduced his retinue. | 始皇帝幸梁山宫,从山上见丞相车骑众,弗善也。 中人或告丞相,丞相后损车骑。 Shǐhuáng dì xìng Liángshān Gōng, cóng shān shàng jiàn chéngxiàng chē qí zhòng, fú shàn yě. Zhōngrén huò gào chéngxiàng, chéngxiàng hòu sǔn chē qí. 始皇帝幸梁山宮,從山上見丞相車騎眾,弗善也。 中人或告丞相,丞相後損車騎。 |
2. | The emperor was angry and said, “Someone here has been telling tales.” When none of the eunuchs whom he cross-examined would admit it, he had all those with him at the time seized and killed. After this, his movements were kept secret, but it was always in Xiányáng Palace that he heard his ministers’ reports and made decisions. | 始皇怒曰: “此中人泄吾语。” 案问莫服。 当是时,诏捕诸时在旁者,皆杀之。 自是后莫知行之所在。 听事,群臣受决事,悉于咸阳宫。 Shǐhuáng nù yuē: “Cǐzhōng rén xiè wú yǔ.” Ànwèn mò fú. Dàngshì shí, Zhào bǔ zhū shí zàipáng zhě, jiē shā zhī. Zìshì hòu mòzhī xíng zhī suǒzài. Tīngshì, qúnchén shòu jué shì, xī yú Xiányáng gōng. 始皇怒曰: “此中人泄吾語。” 案問莫服。 當是時,詔捕諸時在旁者,皆殺之。 自是後莫知行之所在。 聽事,群臣受決事,悉於咸陽宮。 |
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