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1. | In the twentieth year Crown Prince Dān 丹 of Yān 燕, fearing an invasion from Qín 秦, sent Jīng Kē 荆轲 to assassinate the king of Qín. When this was discovered, the king [of Qín] dismembered Jīng Kē as a warning to others, then sent Wáng Jiǎn 王翦 and Xīn Shèng 辛胜 to attack Yān. Yān and Dài 代 dispatched their armies to engage Qín, but were defeated west of the River Yì 易. | 二十年,燕太子丹患秦兵至国,恐,使荆轲刺秦王。 秦王觉之,体解轲以徇,而使王剪、辛胜攻燕。 燕、代发兵击秦军,秦军破燕易水之西。 Èrshí nián, Yān tàizǐ Dān huàn Qín bīng zhì guó, kǒng, shǐ Jīng Kē cì Qín wáng. Qín wáng jué zhī, tǐ jiě Kē yǐ xùn, ér shǐ Wáng Jiǎn、Xīn Shèng gōng Yān. Yàn、dài fābīng jī Qín jūn, Qín jūn pò Yān Yìshuǐ zhī xī. 二十年,燕太子丹患秦兵至國,恐,使荊軻刺秦王。 秦王覺之,體解軻以徇,而使王翦、辛勝攻燕。 燕、代發兵擊秦軍,秦軍破燕易水之西。 |
2. | In the twenty-first year Wáng Bēn 王贲 attacked Jì 蓟 and Wáng Jiǎn’s 王翦 army was reinforced. Then they defeated the troops of Crown Prince Dān 丹, captured the city of Jì and obtained Dān’s head. The king of Yān 燕 annexed Liáodōng 辽东 in the east and ruled over it. | 二十一年,王贲攻蓟[荆]。 乃益发卒诣王剪军,遂破燕太子军,取燕蓟城,得太子丹之首。 燕王东收辽东而王之。 Èrshí yī nián, Wáng Bēn gōng Jì [jīng]. Nǎi yìfā zú yì Wáng Jiǎn jūn, suì pò Yān tàizǐ jūn, qǔ Yān jì chéng, dé tàizǐ Dān zhī shǒu. Yàn wáng dōng shōu Liáodōng ér wáng zhī. 二十一年,王賁攻薊[荊]。 乃益發卒詣王翦軍,遂破燕太子軍,取燕薊城,得太子丹之首。 燕王東收遼東而王之。 |
3. | Wáng Jiǎn 王翦 asked leave to retire on the grounds of ill health. A revolt broke out in Xīnzhèng 新郑. The lord of Chāngpíng 昌平 moved his capital to Yǐng 郢. There was a great snowfall, twenty-five inches deep. | 王剪谢病老归。 新郑反。 昌平君徙于郢。 大雨雪,深二尺五寸。 Wáng Jiǎn xièbìng lǎo guī. Xīnzhèng fǎn. Chāngpíng jūn xǐ yú Yǐng. Dàyǔ xuě, shēn èr chǐwǔ cùn. 王翦謝病老歸。 新鄭反。 昌平君徙於郢。 大雨雪,深二尺五寸。 |
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