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Sīmǎ Qiān:
The First Emperor of Qín

Chapter 4
Year 10 (237 BC): A Chancellor Dismissed in Disgrace
(Full Version)

1. In the tenth year, the chancellor Lǚ Bùwéi was dismissed on account of Lào Aǐ. Huán Yǐ 桓齮 was made a general. Envoys sent by Qí and Zhào were feasted 十年,相国吕不韦坐嫪毐免。 桓齮为将军。 齐、赵来置酒。
Shínián, xiàngguó Lǚ Bùwéi zuò lào Aǐ Miǎn. Huán Yǐ wéi jiāngjūn. Qí、Zhào lái zhìjiǔ.
十年,相國呂不韋坐嫪毐免。 桓齮為將軍。 齊、趙來置酒。
2. Máo Jiāo 茅焦 of Qí advised the king:
“Now Qín is out for world conquest, yet you are reported to have sent away the queen-dowager, your mother. I fear that when other states know this, they will oppose you.”

Qírén Máo Jiāo shuō Qín wáng yuē:
“Qín fāng yǐ tiānxià wéi shì, ér dàwáng yǒu qiān mǔ tàihòu zhī míng, kǒng zhūhóu wén zhī, yóucǐ bèi Qín yě.”

3. Then the king went to Yōng to invite the queen-dowager back, escorting her to Xiányáng 咸阳 to take up her quarters again in Gānquán 甘泉 Palace. 秦王乃迎太后于雍而入咸阳,复居甘泉宫。
Qín wáng nǎi yíng tàihòu yú Yōng ér rù Xiányáng, fù jū Gānquán Gōng.
4. A great search was made for wandering politicians and an order issued for their expulsion, but on Lǐ Sī ‘s 李斯 advice this order was rescinded. Lǐ Sī urged the king to conquer Hán in order to intimidate the other states, and he was sent to demand Hán’s surrender. The prince of Hán in his anxiety consulted Hán Fēizǐ 韩非子 on means to weaken Qín. 大索,逐客,李斯上书说,乃止逐客令。 李斯因说秦王,请先取韩以恐他国,于是使斯下韩。 韩王患之。 与韩非谋弱秦。
Dà suǒ, zhú kè, Lǐ Sī shàngshū shuō, nǎi zhǐ zhúkèlìng. Lǐ Sī yīn shuō Qín wáng, qǐng xiān qǔ Hán yǐ kǒng tāguó, yúshì shǐ sī xià Hán. Hán wáng huàn zhī. Yǔ Hán Fēi móu ruò Qín.
大索,逐客,李斯上書說,乃止逐客令。 李斯因說秦王,請先取韓以恐他國,於是使斯下韓。 韓王患之。 與韓非謀弱秦。
5. Wèi Liáo 尉缭 of Dàliáng 大梁 came to advise the king saying,
“Now Qín is so strong that the other states are like your subject provinces and counties. But what if they ally together and launch a sudden attack? This is how Lord Zhì , King Fūchā 夫差, and King Mìn of Qí perished.

Dàliáng rén Wèi Liáo lái, shuō Qín wáng yuē:
“Yǐ Qín zhī qiáng, zhūhóu pìrú jùn-xiàn zhī jūn, chén dànkǒng zhūhóu hé cóng, xī ér chū bùyì, cǐ nǎi Zhì bó、Fū Chāi、Mǐn wáng zhī suǒyǐ wáng yě.

6. I hope you will upset their scheme by begrudging no expenditure to bribe their powerful ministers. For then three hundred thousand pieces of gold will enable you to conquer all the states.” 愿大王毋爱财物,赂其豪臣,以乱其谋,不过亡三十万金,则诸侯可尽。”
Yuàn dàwáng wú àicái wù, lù qí háo chén, yǐ luàn qí móu, bùguò wáng sānshí wàn jīn, zé zhūhóu kě jìn.”
7. The king followed this plan. And thereafter he treated Wèi Liáo 尉缭 as an equal, sharing clothes, food and drink with him. 秦王从其计,见尉缭亢礼,衣服食饮与缭同。
Qín wáng cóng qí jì, jiàn wèi liáo kànglǐ, yīfu shí yǐn yǔ liáo tóng.
8. But Wèi Liáo said,
“The king of Qín has a waspish nose, eyes like slits, a chicken breast and a voice like a jackal. He is merciless, with the heart of a tiger or wolf. When in difficulties he willingly humbles himself, when successful he swallows. men up without a scruple.

Liáo yuē:
“Qín wáng wéirén, fēngzhǔn, cháng mù, zhì niǎo yīng, chái shēng, shǎo ēn ér hǔláng xīn, jū yuē yì chū rén xià, dézhì yì qīng shí rén.

9. I am a plain citizen in homespun clothes, yet he treats me as if I were his superior. Should he succeed in conquering the empire, we shall all become his captives. There is no staying long with such a man.” 我布衣,然见我常身自下我。 诚使秦王得志于天下,天下皆为虏矣。 不可与久游。”
Wǒ bùyī, rán jiàn wǒ cháng shēn zì xià wǒ. Chéng shǐ Qín wáng dézhì yú tiān xià, tiānxià jiē wéi lǔ yǐ. Bùkě yǔ jiǔ yóu.”
我布衣,然見我常身自下我。 誠使秦王得志於天下,天下皆為虜矣。 不可與久游。”
10. He prepared to leave but the king forced him to stay, made him commander of the Qín army and adopted his plans. Then Lǐ Sī 李斯 came to power. 乃亡去。 秦王觉,固止,以为秦国尉,卒用其计策。 而李斯用事。
Nǎi wáng qù. Qín wáng jué, gù zhǐ, yǐwéi Qín guó wèi, zú yòng qí jìcè. Ér Lǐ Sī yòngshì.
乃亡去。 秦王覺,固止,以為秦國尉,卒用其計策。 而李斯用事。


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