June 6:
Room Change for Final
The final for this class will be held in
Mandeville B150.
It will be held at the originally scheduled time
7-10pm on Thursday, June 13.
Come prepared to discuss!
May 28:
CARTA on Friday
UCSD's Center for Academic Research & Training in Anthropogeny
will host their spring symposium THIS Friday on
"The Perspective from Africa"
May 31, 1-5 pm, Prebys Aud, Salk Institute
See link
As a result, our Friday Discussion will be held at
6-7:20 pm in CSB 272.
April 30:
Review for Midterm
Dr. Johnson will hold a review for the upcoming midterm on
Wed, May 1, 6-7:20 pm, in HHS 2150.
Bring your questions!
April 23:
Anthro Site Visit
As per the syllabus,
we will visit Bioanthropology
to lay our hands on some "bones and stones"
in lieu of next Tuesday's (April 30) class.
That is, instead of meeting in our regular room for a lecture,
we will meet (at 5pm) in SSB 269.
Atendance & completion of a provided Worksheet is required.
See you there!
April 11:
Room Changes
All class sessions (lectures, exams) will be held in WLH 2204, 5-6:20.
The THURSDAY discussions will be held in Center 201, 5-6:20.
The FRIDAY discussions will be held in CSB 272, 3-4:20.
Discussion are held weeks 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 & 9.
See syllabus for scheduling details.
April 1:
No Sections
Despite what is listed in BLINK,
there will be no Friday 1:00 sections for this class.