March 28:
Recalculated Final Grades
Compounded errors in communicating, recording, and calculating
the scores in this class have required a re-grade.
See the recalculated scores
Any changed grades will appear on your official record soon.
Our sincere apologies, and
gratitude for your patience, in these trying times...
Take care and be well!
March 23:
Final Grades
To see the breakdown of your final grades,
including Calculated Score (based on highest midterm) and
Extra Credit, see here.
If you are not on this list, Dr. Johnson will
email you your grades.
Stay calm and be well!
March 12:
Final Canceled!
There will be no final exams in this class.
Your final score has been calculated,
and, if you checked "Agree" on the waiver, can be found
This score is based on past patterns of improvement in Cogs 17.
(For details re: this calculation,
see last page of slides for the final Lecture.)
Score does not include Extra Credit,
which will be computed before grades are submitted.
The deadline for all Extra Credit is now
Midnight, Tuesday, March 17.
Email Dr. Johnson with any questions.
Take care and be well!
Feb 27:
Midterm 2 Grades
If you marked "Agree" on the waiver,
your (curved) grade on Midterm 2 can be found
If you did not,
you will need to email Dr. Johnson for your grade.
The (curved) mean was 79%.
Feb 13:
Review for Midterm
Dr. Johnson will hold a review for the upcoming midterm on
Sunday, Feb 16, 3-4:20 in Peterson 110.
Bring your questions!
Feb 4:
Midterm 1 Grades
If you marked "Agree" on the waiver,
your grade on Midterm 1 can be found
If you did not,
you will need to email Dr. Johnson for your grade.
The class mean was 79%.
Jan 24:
Review for Midterm
Dr. Johnson will hold a review for the upcoming midterm on
Sunday, Jan 26, 3-4:20 in Peterson 110.
Bring your questions!
Jan 16:
Office Hours Changes
Some changes have been made in the TA/IA office hours.
See CONTACTS page for details.
Jan 7:
Sections Begin Friday
Sections begin Friday Jan 10.
Attending at least 6 sections this term is required.
Students must attend the section in which they are enrolled.