



Mandler, G., and Kessen, W. (1959). The Language of Psychology. New York:  John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted in Science Editions, 1964. Reprint edition:  Huntington, N.Y.: Krieger, 1975. Italian edition:  Il linguaggio della psicologia. Bologna:  Il Mulino, 1977.


Mandler, Jean M., and Mandler, G. (1964). Thinking: From Association to Gestalt.  New York:  John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprint edition: Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1982.


Mandler, G. (1975). Mind and Emotion.  New York: Wiley. Reprint edition: Melbourne, Florida: Krieger, 1982. German edition: Denken und Fühlen. Paderborn: Junfermann, 1980.


Mandler, G. (1984). Mind and body: Psychology of emotion and stress. New York: Norton.  Behavioral Sciences Book Club selection, 1985. Japanese edition: Seishin Shobo Publishers, 1987.


Mandler, G. (1985). Cognitive psychology: An essay in cognitive science. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Japanese edition: Kinokuniya Publishers, 1991. Ch. 3 (Consciousness) reprinted in J. Pickering and M. Skinner (Eds.) From sentence to symbols: Readings on consciousness. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester‑Wheatsheaf, 1990. Pp. 156‑165.


Mandler, G. (1997). Human nature explored. New York: Oxford University Press.


Mandler, G. (2002) Interesting times: An encounter with the 20th century. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum         Associates. Paperback:
             Psychology Press (2013).


Mandler, G. (2002) Consciousness recovered: Psychological functions and origins of conscious thought.                 Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


Mandler, G. (2007) A history of modern experimental psychology: From James and Wundt to   cognitive science. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Paperback (2011) Reprint edition:

              Prentice- Hall/India, November  2007.





Mandler, G. (1962).  Emotion.  In Brown, R.W., Galanter, E., Hess, E., and Mandler, G.  New directions in psychology.  New York:  Holt, Rinehart & Winston.


Mandler, G. (1964).  The interruption of behavior.  In D. Levine (Ed.) Nebraska Symposium on Motivation: 1964.  Lincoln,Nebraska:  University of Nebraska Press.


Mandler, G., and Watson, D.L. (1966).  Anxiety and the interruption of behavior.  In C.D. Spielberger (Ed.)  Anxiety and behavior. New York:  Academic Press.


Mandler, G. (1967).  Verbal learning.  In Mandler, G., Mussen, P., Kogan, N., and Wallach, M.A.  New directions in psychology: III.  New York:  Holt, Rinehart, & Winston.


Mandler, G. (1967).  Organization and Memory.  In K.W. Spence and J.T. Spence (Eds.)  The psychology of learning and motivation: Advances in research and theory.  New York:  AcademicPress.  Reprinted in G.H. Bower (Ed.), Human memory: Basic processes.  New York:  Academic Press, 1977.


Mandler, G. (1968).  Anxiety.  In D.L. Sills (Ed.), International Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences.  New York:  Crowell‑Collier.


Mandler, G. (1968).  Association and organization: Facts, fancies and theories. In T.R. Dixon and D.L. Horton (Eds.) Verbal behavior and general behavior theory.  Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, pp. 109‑119.


Mandler, J.M., and Mandler, G. (1968).  The diaspora of experimental psychology: The Gestaltists and others. In Perspectives in American History, Vol. 2.  Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.


Mandler, G. (1969).  Acceptance of things past and present: A look at the mind and the brain.  In R.B. MacLeod (Ed.) William James:  Unfinished business.  Washington, D.C.:  American Psychological Association, pp. 13‑16.


Mandler, G. (1970).  Words, lists, and categories: An experimental view of organized memory.  In J.L. Cowan (Ed.) Studies in thought and language. Tucson:  University of Arizona Press.


Mandler, G. (1972).  Helplessness: Theory and research in anxiety.  In C.D. Spielberger (Ed.) Anxiety:  Current trends in theory and research, Vol. II.  New York:  Academic Press.


Mandler, G. (1972).  Organization and recognition.  In E. Tulving and W. Donaldson (Eds.) Organization of memory.  New York:Academic Press.


Mandler, G., and Kessen, W. (1974).  The appearance of free will.  In S.C. Brown (Ed.) Philosophy of psychology.  London:  Macmillan; New York: Barnes & Noble.


Mandler, G. (1975). The search for emotion.  In L. Levi (Ed.) Emotions: Their parameters and measurement.  New York:  Raven Press.


Mandler, G. (1975).  Memory storage and retrieval: Some limits on the reach of attention and consciousness.  In P.M.A. Rabbitt and S. Dornic (Eds.) Attention and Performance V.  London:  Academic Press.


Mandler, G. (1975).  Consciousness: Respectable, useful, and probably necessary. In R. Solso (Ed.),                    Information processing and cognition: The Loyola symposium.  Hillsdale, New Jersey:  Lawrence                  Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Also Technical Report No. 41, Center for Human Information Processing,             UCSD, March, 1974. Reprinted in Baars, B. J., Banks, W. P., & Newman, J. B. (Eds.). (2003).                       Essential Sources in the Scientific Study of Consciousness. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


Mandler, G. (1979).  Organization and repetition: Organizational principles with special reference to rote learning. In L.‑G. Nilsson (Ed.), Perspectives in memory research. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.  Also as Technical Report No. 71, Center for Human Information Processing, University of California, San Diego, May, 1977.


Mandler, G. (1979).  Emotion.  In E. Hearst (Ed.), The first century of experimental psychology.  Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


Mandler, G. (1979).  Thought processes, consciousness, and stress. In V. Hamilton and D.A. Warburton(Eds.) Human stress and cognition: An information processing approach.  London:  John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Mandler, G. (1979).  Organization, memory, and mental structures.  In C.R. Puff (Ed.) Memory organization and structure. New York: Academic Press.


Mandler, G. (1980).  The generation of emotion: A psychological theory. In R. Plutchik and H. Kellerman (Eds.), Theories of emotion. New York:  Academic Press. Italian translation in G. Chiari and M.L. Nuzzo (Eds.) Crescita e cambiamento della conoscenza individuale. Milan: Franco Angeli, 1984.


Mandler, G. (1982).  The construction of emotion in the child. In C.E. Izard (Ed.) Measuring emotions in infants and children. New York: Cambridge University Press.


Mandler, G. (1982).  The integration and elaboration of memory structures. In F. Klix, J. Hoffmann, E. van der Meer (Eds.) Cognitive research in psychology. Amsterdam: North Holland.


Mandler, G. (1982).  Stress and thought processes. In L. Goldberger and S. Breznitz (Eds.) Handbook of Stress: Theoretical and clinical aspects. New York: Free Press/Macmillan.


Mandler, G. (1982).  The structure of value: Accounting for taste. In M.S. Clark and S.T. Fiske (Eds.) Affect and cognition: The Seventeenth Annual Carnegie Symposium on Cognition. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.  Also in: Technical Report No. 101, Center for Human Information Processing, University of California, San Diego, May 1981.


Mandler, G. (1983).  The nature of emotion. In J. Miller (Ed.) States of mind: Conversations with psychological investigators. London: British Broadcasting Corporation.  New York: Pantheon Books, 1983. (Based on BBC‑TV series).


Mandler, G. (1983).  Emotion and stress: A view from cognitive psychology. In L. Temoshok, C. Van Dyke, and L.S. Zegans (Eds.) Emotions in health and illness: Theoretical and research foundations. New York: Grune and Stratton.


Mandler, G. (1984).  The construction and limitation of consciousness. In V. Sarris and A. Parducci (Eds.) Perspectives in psychological experimentation: Toward the year 2000. Hillside, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. German translation: Aufbau und Grenzen des Bewusstseins. In V. Sarris and A. Parducci (Eds.) Die Zukunft der experimentellen Psychologie. Weinheim und Basel: Beltz, 1986.


Mandler, G. (1984).  Cohabitation in the cognitive sciences. In W. Kintsch, J.R. Miller, and P.G. Polson (Eds.) Method and tactics in cognitive science. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


Mandler, G., (1986). Reminding, recalling, recognizing: Different memories? In F. Klix and H. Hagendorf (Eds.) Human memory and cognitive capabilities: Symposium in Memoriam Hermann Ebbinghaus. Amsterdam: North Holland.


Mandler, G. (1987).  Remembering.  In R.L. Gregory (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to the Mind.  Oxford:  Oxford University Press, pp. 679‑680.


Mandler, G. (1987).  Emotion.  In R.L. Gregory (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to the Mind.  Oxford:  Oxford University Press, pp. 219‑220.


Mandler, G. (1987).  Determinants of recognition. In J. Hoffmann and E. van der Meer (Eds.) Knowledge aided information processing. Amsterdam: North Holland.


Mandler, G. (1988).  Problems and directions in the study of consciousness. In M. Horowitz (Ed.) Psychodynamics and cognition. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press. Translation in G. Hatano et al. (Eds.) Cognitive Science Handbook. Tokyo: Kyoritsu Shuppan, 1992.


Mandler, G. (1989).  Memory: Conscious and unconscious.  In P. R. Solomon, G. R. Goethals, C. M. Kelley, and B. R. Stephens (Eds.)  Memory: Interdisplinary approaches.  New York: Springer Verlag.


Mandler, G. (1989).  Affect and learning: Causes and consequences of emotional interactions. In D. B. McLeod & V. M. Adams (Eds.)  Affect and mathematical problem solving: A new perspective. New York: Springer Verlag.


Mandler, G. (1989).  Affect and learning: Reflections and prospects. In D. B. McLeod  & V. M. Adams (Eds.)  Affect and mathematical problem solving: A new perspective. New York: Springer Verlag.


Mandler, G. (1989).  Activation, elaboration, and consciousness. In A. F. Bennett & K. M. McConkey (Eds.) Cognition in individual and social contexts. Amsterdam: Elsevier.


Mandler, G. (1990).  A constructivist theory of emotion. In N. S. Stein, B. L. Leventhal and T. Trabasso(Eds.) Psychological and biological approaches to emotion.  Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


Mandler, G., Overson, C. and Nakamura, Y. (1990).  Specific and nonspecific effects of activation. In             H.‑G. Geissler, M.H. Müller and W. Prinz (Eds.) Psychophysical explorations of mental

structures. Göttingen: Hogrefe.


Mandler, G. (1990).  Interruption (discrepancy) theory: Review and extensions. In S. Fisher & C. L. Cooper (Eds.) On the move: The psychology of change and transition. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Mandler, G. (1991).  What are you going to do when you grow up? A personal inquiry.  In F. Kessel, M. Bornstein and A. Sameroff (Eds.) The past as prologue in developmental psychology: Essays in honor of William Kessen. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


Mandler, G. (1991).  Your face looks familiar but I can't remember your name: A review of dual process theory.  In W. E. Hockley & S. Lewandowsky (Eds.) Relating theory and data: Essays on human memory in honor of Bennet B. Murdock. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


Mandler, G. (1992).  Toward a theory of consciousness. In H.‑G. Geissler, S. W. Link & J. T. Townsend (Eds.) Cognition, information processing, and psychophysics: Basic issues. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


Mandler, G. (1992).  Memory, arousal and mood: A theoretical integration. In S.‑A. Christianson (Ed.) Handbook of emotion and memory. Lawrence  Erlbaum Associates.


Mandler, G. (1992).  Emotions, evolution, and aggression: Myths and conjectures. In K. T. Strongman (Ed.) International Review of Studies on Emotion. Vol. II. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Mandler, G. (1992).  Cognition and emotion: Extensions and clinical applications In D. J. Stein & J. E. Young (Eds.) Cognitive science and clinical disorders. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.


Mandler, G. (1993).  Thought, memory, and learning: Effects of emotional stress.  In L. Goldberger and S. Breznitz (Eds.), Handbook of stress: Theoretical and clinical aspects. (2nd edition). New York: Free Press/Macmillan.


Mandler, G. (1993).  Approaches to a psychology of value. In M. Hechter, L. Nadel & R. E. Michod (Eds.), The origin of values. Hawthorne, NY: Aldine de Gruyter.


Mandler, G. (1994).  Emotions and the psychology of freedom. In S. H. M. van Goozen, N. E. van de Poll & J. A. Sergeant (Eds.) Emotions: Essays on emotion theory. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


Mandler, G. (1994). Hypermnesia, incubation, and mind‑popping: On remembering without really trying.  In C. Umiltà  & M. Moscovitch (Eds.), Attention and Performance XV: Conscious and nonconscious information processing.  Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.


Mandler, G. (1995).  Origins and consequences of novelty. In S. M. Smith, T. B. Ward & R. A. Finke (Eds.) The creative cognition approach. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Tape-recorded in What is creativity? Mendocino, CA: Audio Scholar, University Press Audiobooks, 1996.


Mandler, G. (1997).  Consciousness redux. In J. D. Cohen and J. W. Schooler (Eds.) Scientific approaches to consciousness: The Twentyfifth Annual Carnegie Symposium on Cognition. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


Mandler, G. (1997).  Foreword. In J. A. Russell &  J.-M. Fernández-Dols (Eds.) The psychology of facial             expression. Cambridge University Press.


Mandler, G. (1998). Consciousness and mind as philosophical problems and as psychological issues. In              J. Hochberg (Ed.) Perception & Cognition at Century's End. San Diego: Academic Press.


Mandler, G. (1999).  Emotion. In D. E. Rumelhart & B. O. Martin Bly (Eds.) Cognitive Science. San Diego: Academic Press..


Mandler, G. (2002) Jean: A biography. In N. L. Stein, P. Bauer and M. Rabinowitz (Eds.)

Representation, memory and development: Essays in honor of Jean Mandler. Mahwah, NJ:             Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


Mandler, G. (2003) Emotion. In D. K. Freedheim (Ed.) History of psychology. Vol. 1 of I. Weiner (Ed.)                      Comprehensive Handbook of Psychology. New York: Wiley


Mandler, G. (2006) Mind: Ghosts, machines, and concepts. In K. Pawlik & G. d’Ydewalle,                                      Conceptual History of Psychology. London/Hove: Psychology Press.


Mandler, G. (2007) Involuntary memories: Variations on the unexpected. In J. Mace (Ed.) Involuntary             memory. Blackwell Press.


Mandler, G. &  Christenfeld, N.J.S. (2013) Emotion In D. K. Freedheim (Ed.) History of psychology (2nd edition). Vol. 1 of I. Weiner (Ed.) Comprehensive Handbook of Psychology. New York: Wiley.






Wittenborn, J.R., Mandler, G., and Waterhouse, I.K. (1951).  Symptom patterns in youthful mental hospital patients.  Journal of Clinical Psychology, 7, 323‑327.


Mandler, G., and Sarason, S.B. (1952).  A study of anxiety and learning. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 47, 166‑173.  Citation classic: Comment in Current Contents, 1978. Reprinted in: E.A. Jongsma and R.E. Pound (Eds.) Test‑taking preparation: Research, theory, and practice. New York: Charles C. Thomas, 1979.


Sarason, S.B., Mandler, G., and Craighill, P.G. (1952).  The effect of differential instructions on anxiety and learning.  Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 47, 561‑565.  Reprinted in D.C. McClelland (Ed.) Studies in motivation.  New York: Appleton‑Century‑Crofts, 1955.


Sarason, S.B., and Mandler, G. (1952).  Some correlates of test anxiety. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 47, 810‑817.  Reprinted in The Bobbs‑Merrill Reprint Series in the Social Sciences. No. P‑298, and in XIP Readings in Psychology, 1972.


Mandler, G., and Sarason, S.B. (1953).  The effect of prior experience and subjective failure on the evocation of test anxiety.  Journal of Personality, 21, 336‑341.


Kaye, D., Kirschner, P., and Mandler, G. (1953).  The effect of test anxiety on memory span in a group test situation.  Journal of Consulting Psychology, 17, 256‑266.


Mandler, G. (1954).  Response factors in human learning.  Psychological Review, 61, 253‑244.  Reprinted in D.H. Kausler (Ed.), Readings in verbal learning.  New York:  Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1966.


Mandler, G. (1954).  Transfer of training as a function of degree of response overlearning.  Journal of Experimental Psychology, 47, 411‑417.


Boyd, N. A., and Mandler, G. (1955).  Children's responses to human and animal stories and pictures.  Journal of Consulting Psychology, 19, 367‑371.


Mandler, G. (1955).  Associative frequency and associative prepotency as measures of responses to nonsense syllables.  American Journal of Psychology, 68, 662‑665.


Mandler, G. (1955).  Perceptual learning: Stimulus differentiation or differentiating response?  Psychological Reports, 1, 79‑82.


Mandler, G. (1956).  The warm‑up effect: Some further evidence on temporal and task factors.  Journal of Genetic Psychology, 55, 3‑9.


Mandler, G., and Heinemann, S.H. (1956).  Effect of overlearning of a verbal response on transfer of training.  Journal of Experimental Psychology, 52, 39‑46.


Mandler, G., and Huttenlocher, J. (1956).  The relationship between associative frequency, associative ability and paired‑associate learning. American Journal of Psychology, 69, 424‑428.


Mandler, G., and Kaplan, W.K. (1956).  Subjective evaluation and reinforcing effect of a verbal stimulus.  Science, 124, 582‑583.


Mandler, G., and Parnes, E.W. (1957).  Frequency and idiosyncracy of associative responses.  Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,  55, 58‑65.


Mandler, G., Lindzey, G., and Crouch, R.G. (1957).  Thematic apperception test: Indices of anxiety in relation to test anxiety.  Educational and Psychological Measurement, 17, 466‑474.


Mandler, G., and Campbell, E.H. (1957).  Effect of variation in associative frequency of stimulus and response members on paired‑associate learning.  Journal of Experimental Psychology, 54, 269‑273.


Mandler, G., and Cowen, J.E. (1958).  Test anxiety questionnaires.  Journal of Consulting Psychology, 22, 228‑229.


Mandler, G., Mandler, J.M., and Uviller, E.T. (1958).  Autonomic feedback: The perception of autonomic activity.  Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 56, 367‑373. Reprinted in S.A. and M. T. Mednick (Eds.), Research in personality.  New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1963.


Mandler, G., and Kremen, I. (1958).  Autonomic feedback:  A correlational study. Journal of Personality, 26, 388‑399; 1960, 28, 545.


Mandler, G. (1959). Stimulus variables and subject variables: A caution. Psychological Review, 66, 145‑149.


Mandler, G., and Kahn, M. (1960).  Discrimination of changes in heart rate: Two unsuccessful attempts. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 3, 21‑25.


Mandler, G., and Kuhlman, C.K. (1961).  Proactive and retroactive effects of overlearning.  Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61, 76‑81.


Mandler, G., Mandler, J.M., Kremen, I., and Sholiton, R.D. (1961).  The response to threat: Relations among verbal and physiological indices.  Psychological Monographs, 75, No. 9 (Whole No. 513).


Kessen, W., and Mandler, G. (1961).  Anxiety, pain and the inhibition of distress. Psychological Review, 68, 396‑404.  Reprinted in R.N. Haber (Ed.), Current research in motivation.  New York:  Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966; and D. Rosenhan and P. London (Eds.), Theory and research in abnormal psychology. New York:  Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969.


Mandler, G. (1961).  Comments. In C.N. Cofer (Ed.), Verbal learning and verbal behavior.  New York:  McGraw‑Hill, pp. 123‑128.


Mandler, G., Preven, D., and Kuhlman, C.K. (1962).  Effects of operant reinforcement on the GSR.  Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 5, 317‑321.


Mandler, G., and Cowan, P.A. (1962).  Learning of simple structures.  Journal of Experimental             Psychology, 64, 177‑183.


Mandler, G. (1962).  From association to structure.  Psychological Review, 69, 415‑427.  Reprinted in H.L. Munsinger (Ed.) Studies in fundamentals of child development. New York:  Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969, and I.E. Sigel(Ed.) Controversies in developmental psychology. Allyn and Bacon, 1973.


Mandler, G. (1963).  Comments.  In C.N. Cofer and B.S. Musgrave (Eds.), Verbal behavior and learning:  Problems and processes.  New York:  McGraw‑Hill, pp. 245‑252.


Mandler, G. (1963).  Parent and child in the development of the Oedipus complex. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 136, 227‑235.


Mandler, G. (1963).  An analysis of human emotion.  Series research in social psychology, Symposia Studies Series No. 16.  Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Social and Behavioral Sciences.


Tulving, E., Mandler, G., and Baumal, R. (1964).  Interaction of two sources of information in tachistoscopic word recognition.  Canadian Journal of Psychology, 18, 62‑71.


Mandler, G., Cowan, P.A., and Gold, C. (1964). Concept learning and probability matching.  Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67, 514‑522.


Mandler, G., and Mandler, J.M. (1964).  Serial position effects in sentences. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 3, 195‑202.


Mandler, G., and Earhard, B. (1964).  Pseudomediation: Is chaining an artifact? Psychonomic Science, 1, 247‑248.  Reprinted in D.H. Kausler, Readings in verbal learning.  New York:  John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1966.


Mandler, G. (1965).  Subjects do think: A reply to Jung's comments.  Psychological Review, 72, 323‑326.


Earhard, B., and Mandler, G. (1965).  Pseudomediation: A reply and more data. Psychonomic Science, 3, 137‑138.


Earhard, B., and Mandler, G. (1965).  Mediated associations: Paradigms, controls, and mechanisms.  Canadian Journal of Psychology, 19, 346‑378.


Mandler, G., and Pearlstone, Z. (1966).  Free and constrained concept learning and subsequent recall.  Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 5, 126‑131.


Segal, M.A., and Mandler, G. (1966).  Directionality, prior experience, and left‑right habits in paired‑associate learning.  Psychonomic Science, 6, 263‑264.


Segal, M.A., and Mandler, G. (1967).  Directionality and organizational processes in paired‑associate learning.  Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74, 305‑312.


Mandler, G. (1967).  Invited Commentary.  In M.H. Appley and R. Trumbull (Eds.) Psychological stress:  Issues in research.  New York:  Appleton‑ Century‑Crofts, 1967, pp. 307‑310 and passim.


Mandler, G., and Stephens, D. (1967).  The development of free and constrained conceptualization and subsequent verbal memory.  Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 5, 86‑93.


Mandler, G. (1967).  The conditions for emotional behavior.  In D.C. Glass (Ed.) Neurophysiology and emotion.  New York:  Rockefeller University Press, pp. 96‑102.


Mandler, G. (1968).  Organized recall: Individual functions.  Psychonomic Science, 13, 235‑236.


Mandler, G., Pearlstone, Z., and Koopmans, H.J. (1969).  Effects of organization and semantic similarity on recall and recognition.  Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 8, 410‑423.


Mandler, G., and Dean, P.J. (1969).  Seriation: The development of serial order in free recall.  Journal of Experimental Psychology, 81, 207‑215.


Mandler, G., and Griffith, N. (1969).  Acquisition and organization of new items in the free recall of random lists.  Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 8, 545‑551.


Mandler, G. (1969).  Input variables and output strategies in the free recall of categorized lists.  American Journal of Psychology, 82, 531‑539.


Mandler, G., Meltzer, R.H., and Pearlstone, Z. (1969).  The structure of recognition: Effects of list tags and of acoustic and semantic confusion. Technical Report No. 7, Center for Human Information Processing, UCSD, 1969.


Mandler, G. (1970).  Incremental acquisition of paired‑associate lists. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 84, 185‑186.


Patterson, K.E., Meltzer, R.H., and Mandler, G. (1971).  Inter‑response times in categorized free recall.  Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 10, 417‑426.


Mandler, G. (1971).  Storage and retrieval times in a paired‑associate task. Psychonomic Science, 23, 298‑299.


Mandler, G., and Anderson, R.E. (1971).  Temporal and spatial cues in seriation. Journal of of Experimental Psychology, 90, 128‑135.


Mandler, G., and Borges, M.A. (1971).  Effects of list differentiation, category membership and prior recall on recognition.  Technical Report No. 16, Center for Human Information Processing, UCSD.


Borges, M.A., and Mandler, G. (1972).  Effects of within‑category spacing on free recall.  Journal of Experimental Psychology, 92, 207‑214.


Mandler, G. (1972).  Description by association and explanation by cognition. Invited paper, XXth International Congress of Psychology, Tokyo.


Mandler, G. (1972).  Comments on Dr. Sarason's paper.  In C.D. Spielberger (Ed.) Anxiety: Current trends in theory and research.  New York: Academic Press.


Mandler, G., and Worden, P.E. (1973).  Semantic processing without permanent storage.  Journal of Experimental Psychology, 100, 277‑283.


Mandler, G. (1973).  Mind and Emotion.  Dansk Psykolognyt, 27, 121‑128.


Mandler, J.M., and Mandler, G. (1974).  Good guys vs. bad guys: The subject‑object dichotomy.  Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 14, 63‑78.


Mandler, G., and Boeck, W. (1974).  Retrieval processes in recognition. Memory and Cognition, 2, 613‑615.


Mandler, G., Worden, P.E., and Graesser, A.C. II. (1974).  Subjective disorganization: Search for the locus of list organization. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 13, 220‑235.


Graesser, A.C. II, and Mandler, G. (1975).  Recognition memory for the meaning and surface structure of sentences.  Journal of Experimental Psychology:  Human Learning and Memory, 1, 238‑248.


Mandler, G., and Graesser, A.C. II. (1975).  Dimensional analysis and the locus of organization.  Technical Report No. 48, Center for Human Information Processing, UCSD. January.


Mandler, G., and Graesser, A.C. II. (1976).  Analyse dimensionelle et le "locus" de l'organisation.  In S. Ehrlich and E. Tulving (Eds.), La  mémoire sémantique. Paris:  Bulletin de Psychologie.


Mandler, G. (1976).  Some attempts to study the rotation and reversal of integrated motor patterns.  Technical Report No. 60, Center for Human Information Processing, University of California, San Diego.  May.


Mandler, G. (1976).  Memory research reconsidered: A critical view of some traditional methods and distinctions.  Paper presented at 21st International Congress of Psychology, Paris, July, 1976.  Technical Report No. 64, Center for Human Information Processing, University of California, San Diego, September, 1976.


Rabinowitz, J.C., Mandler, G., and Patterson, K.E. (1977).  Determinants of  recognition and recall: Accessibility and generation.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 106, 302‑329.


Rabinowitz, J.C., Mandler, G., and Patterson, K.E. (1977).  Clarifications, refutations, and resolutions.  Journal of Experimental Psychology:General, 106, 336‑340.


Mandler, G. (1977).  Commentary on "Organization and Memory".  In G.H. Bower (Ed.).  Human memory:  Basic processes.  New York: Academic Press.


Rabinowitz, J.C., Mandler, G., and Barsalou, L.W. (1977).  Recognition failure: Another case of retrieval failure.  Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 16, 639‑663.


Graesser, A.C. II, and Mandler, G. (1978).  Limited processing capacity constrains the storage of unrelated sets of words and retrieval from natural categories.  Journal of Experimental Psychology:  Human Learning and Memory, 4, 86‑100. Reprinted in E.P. Maimon (Ed.) Readings in the liberal arts. Cambridge, Mass.: Winthrop, 1980.


Mandler, G. (1978).  Mind (psychology) is not (currently) reducible to body (neurobiology).  Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1, 358.


Mandler, G., and Barsalou, L.W. (1979).  Steady state memory: What does the one‑shot experiment assess? Technical Report No. 84, Center for Human Information Processing, University of California, San Diego, May.


Mandler, G. (1979). A man for all seasons? (Retrospective review of William James' Principles of psychology.). Contemporary Psychology, 24, 742‑744.


Rabinowitz, J.C., Mandler, G., and Barsalou, L.W. (1979).  Generation‑recognition as an auxiliary retrieval strategy.  Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 18, 57‑72. 


Mandler, G. (1980).  Recognizing: The judgment of previous occurrence. Psychological Review, 87, 252‑271.


Uyeda, K.M., and Mandler, G. (1980).  Prototypicality norms for 28 semantic categories. Behavior Research Methods and Instrumentation, 12, 587‑595.


Mandler, G. (1991).  The recognition of previous encounters. American Scientist, 69, 211‑218. Spanish translation in M.V. Sebastian (Ed.) Lecturas de psicologia de la memoria. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1983.


Mandler, G., and Rabinowitz, J.C. (1981).  Appearance and reality: Does a recognition test really improve subsequent recall and recognition? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory, 7, 79‑90.


Mandler, G., Rabinowitz, J.C., and Simon, R.A. (1981).  Coordinate organization: The holistic representation of word pairs. American Journal of Psychology, 94, 209‑222.


Mandler, G. (1981).  Affect, emotion, and other cognitive curiosities. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.


Mandler, G. (1981).  What is cognitive psychology? What isn't?  Invited address, Division of Philosophical Psychology, American Psychological Association, August, 1981.


Mandler, G. (1982).  Emotion. In The McGraw‑Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology (5th Ed.). New York: McGraw‑Hill, 1982.


Mandler, G., and Shebo, B.J. (1982).  Subitizing: An analysis of its component processes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 111, 1‑22.


Mandler, G., Goodman, G.O., and Wilkes‑Gibbs, D.L. (1982).  The word frequency paradox in recognition. Memory and Cognition, 10, 33‑42.


Graf, P., Mandler, G., and Haden, P.E. (1982).  Simulating amnesic symptoms in normals. Science, 218, 1243‑1244.


Mandler, G., and Shebo, B.J. (1982).  Knowing and liking. Motivation and Emotion, 7, 125‑144.


Mandler, G. (1983).  Consciousness: Its function and construction.  Technical Report No. 117, Center for Human Information Processing, UCSD, June.


Mandler, G. (1983).  Cognition, schemas, and Freud.  Paper presented at Symposium on Psychoanalysis and cognitive psychology. American Psychological Association convention, Anaheim, California, August 1983.


Graf, P., Squire, L.R., and Mandler, G. (1984).  The information that amnesic patients do not forget. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 10, 164‑178.


Mandler, G. (1984).  Another theory of emotion claims too much and specifies too little. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive, 4, 84‑8.


Mandler, G. (1984).  Origins and range of contemporary cognitive psychology. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 192, 73‑85.


Graf, P., and Mandler, G. (1984).  Activation makes words more accessible, but not necessarily more retrievable. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 23, 553‑568.


Mandler, G. (1985).  Consciousness, imagery, and emotion ‑ with special reference to autonomic imagery. Journal of Mental Imagery, 8, 87‑94.


Mandler, G. (1985).  From association to structure.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 11, 464‑468.


Mandler, G., Overson, C., Graf, P., and Kraft, D. (1985).  Activation and elaboration: Indirect sources and effects. Technical Report No. 125, Center for Human Information Processing, University of California, San Diego; November.


Mandler, G. (1985).  Scoring goals. CC‑AI: The Journal for the Integrated Study of Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science and Applied Epistemology, 2, 25‑31.


Mandler, G., Graf, P., and Kraft, D. (1986).  Activation and elaboration effects in recognition and word priming.  Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 38A, 645‑662. Reprinted in P.T. Smith and R.A. Boakes (Eds.), Human and animal memory. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1986.


Mandler, G. (1986).  Cognition in historical perspective.  In B.J.  Baars  (Ed.),  The cognitive revolution in psychology.  New York, N.Y.: Guilford Press. Reprinted in L.T.Benjamin, Jr.  A history of psychology.  3rd edition, 2009.


Gaver, W., and Mandler, G. (1987).  Play it again, Sam: On liking music. Cognition and Emotion, 1, 259‑282.


Overson, C., and Mandler, G. (1987). Indirect word priming in connected semantic and phonological contexts. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 25, 229‑232.


Nakamura, Y. and Mandler, G. (1987).  Relations between objective and subjective thresholds. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 25, 341.


Mandler, G., Nakamura, Y., and Shebo‑Van Zandt, B.J. (1987).  Non‑specific effects of exposure on stimuli that cannot be recognized. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 13, 646‑648.


Mandler, G., and Nakamura, Y. (1987).  Aspects of consciousness. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, pp. 299‑313.


Mandler, G. (1987).  Explorations in consciousness.  William James Award address, Division of General Psychology, American Psychological Association meetings, August.


Mandler, G. (1988).  Emotional effects: A constructivist view.  Paper presented at AAAS symposium on "The role of affect in cognition and behavior," Boston, February.


MacDowell, K., and Mandler, G. (1989).  Constructions of emotion: Discrepancy, arousal, and mood. Motivation & Emotion, 13, 105‑124.


Mandler, G. (1990).  William James and the construction of emotion. Psychological Science, 1, 179‑180.


Mandler, G., Hamson, C. O. and Dorfman, J. (1990).  Tests of dual process theory: Word priming and recognition. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 42A, 713‑739.


Mandler, G. (1991).  Notes on emotion. Exhibition notes, Ontario Science Centre, 1991.


Mandler, G. (1991). The processing of information is not conscious, but its products often are. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 14, 688‑689.


Dorfman, J., and Mandler, G. (1994).  Implicit and explicit forgetting: When is gist remembered? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 47A, 651‑672.


Mandler, G. (1996).  The situation of psychology: Landmarks and choicepoints. American Journal of Psychology, 109, 1‑35. Also in Technical Report No. 137, Center for Human Information Processing, UCSD, March 1995.


Mandler, G. (1997).  Aggression. In The McGraw‑Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology (8th Ed.).             New York: McGraw‑Hill.


Mandler, G. (1997). What is it that consciousness lets us do that we could not do otherwise? In H. Mandl             (Ed.) Bericht über den 40. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in München              1996. Hogrefe – Verlag für Psychologie, Göttingen.


Mandler, G. (2000) William Kessen 1925-1999. American Psychologist, 55, 758-759.


Mandler, G. (2001) Apart from genetics: What makes monozygotic twins similar? Journal of Mind and             Behavior, 22, 147-159.


Mandler, G. (2001) Emotion, history of the concept. In N. J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes  (Eds)  2001              International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Pp. 4437-4440.  Pergamon, Oxford


Mandler, G. (2002) Psychology comes to UCSD. Chronicles (Newsletter of the UCSD Emeriti                                  Association), 1 (no. 4), 4-5.


Mandler, G. (2002) Psychologists and the national socialist access to power. History of Psychology, 5,                    190-200.


Mandler, G. (2002). Origins of the cognitive (r)evolution. Journal of the History of the Behavioral                     Sciences, 38, 339-353. Reprinted in L.T. Benjamin, Jr. A history of psychology. 3rd edition, 2009.


Mandler, G. (2002). Organization: What the levels of processing are levels of. Memory, 10, 333-338.


Kvavilashvili, L., and Mandler, G. (2004). Out of your mind: A study of involuntary semantic                              memories. Cognitive Psychology, 48, 47-94.


Mandler, G. (2004) Free will for everyone – with flaws. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27, 667


Mandler, G. (2005) The consciousness continuum: From “qualia” to “free will.”

            Psychological Research, 56, 330-337.


Mandler, G. (2008) Familiarity breeds attempts: A critical review of dual process theories of        recognition. Perspectives on Psychological Science,  3 (5), 392-401.


Mandler G. (2008) Response to Review  of A History of Modern Experimental Psychology. Joournal of the

          History of the Behavioral Siences, 44 (3), 288-289.


Mandler, G. (2009) Propositional encodings are a subset of organization theory. Behavioral and Brain   Sciences, 32 (2). 214-215. doi:10.1017/S0140525X09001034


Mandler, G. (2011) Beitrag zu den Erinnerungen der jüdischen Schüler der Radetzkyschule (Contribution to volume of   remembrances of Jewish students of the Radetzky School in 1938) In Mercsanits, R.  etal  (Eds.) Radetzkyschule 1938: Eine Spurensuche. Vienna: Ueberreuter.


Mandler, G. (2011) Crises and problems seen from experimental psychology. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 31 (4). 240-246.


Mandler, G. (2011) From association to organization. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 20 (4), 232-235.


Mandler, G. (2013) The limit of mental structures. Journal of General Psychology, 140 (4), 243-250.



Working Papers:


Mandler, G. (2014) Origins and functions of human culture, mind and behavior: Suggestions and speculations.





Revesz, G (Ed.)  Thinking and speaking.  Journal of Abnormal and SocialPsychology, 1955, 51, 156‑158.


Russell, D.H.  Children's thinking.  Contemporary Psychology, 1957, 2, 136‑137.


Wolman, B.B.  Contemporary theories and systems in psychology. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 1961, 132, 544‑545.


Watson, R.I.  The great psychologists:  From Aristotle to Freud. American Journal of Psychology, 1964, 523‑525.


Graumann, C.F.  Denken.  Contemporary Psychology, 1966, 11, 543‑544.


Smith, F., and Miller, G.A. The genesis of language.  Quarterly Review of Biology, 1967, 42, 466‑467.


Gauld, A., and Shotter, J.  Human action and its psychological investigation. Contemporary Psychology, 1978, 23, 86‑87.


Popper, K.R., and Eccles, J.C.  The self and its brain.  Science, 1978, 200, 1040‑1041.


Westland, G.  Current crises of psychology.  Contemporary Psychology, 1979, 24, 576‑577.


Dennett, D. C.  Consciousness explained. Philosophical Psychology, 1993, 6, 335‑339.


Loftus, E., and Ketcham, K. The myth of repressed memory. Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology, 1995, 9, 539-541.




Short Reviews:


Johnson, R.E.  In quest of a new psychology.  Contemporary  Psychology, 1976, 21, 659.


Wheatly, J.M.O., and Hoyt, L.E. (Eds.), Philosophical dimensions of parapsychology.  Contemporary Psychology, 1976, 21, 900.


Solomon, R.C.  The passions.  Contemporary Psychology, 1976, 21, 899.


Buck, L.A.  Psychological research and human values.  Contemporary Psychology, 1977, 22, 69.


Polanyi, M., and Prosch, H.  Meaning.  Contemporary Psychology, 1978, 23, 98.


Hilgard, E.R. (Ed.) American psychology in historical perspective. Contemporary Psychology, 1979, 24, 435.


Mitroff, I.I., and Kilmann, R.H.  Methodological approaches to social science. Contemporary Psychology, 1979, 24, 437.


Chaplin, J.P., and Krawiec, T.S.  Systems and theories of psychology. Contemporary Psychology, 1979, 24, 663.


Rorty, A.O. (Ed.) Explaining emotions. Contemporary Psychology, 1981, 26, 59.


Bruner, J.S. On knowing: Essays for the left hand. (Expanded edition). Contemporary Psychology, 1981, 26, 56‑57.


McCorduck, P. Machines who think. Contemporary Psychology, 1981, 26, 484.


Wolman, B.B.  Contemporary theories and systems in psychology (Second edition). Contemporary Psychology, 1981, 26, 650.


Hofstadter, D.R., and Dennett, D.C.  The Mind's I. Contemporary Psychology, 1982, 27, 575‑576.


Benjamin, L.T., Jr.  The G. Stanley Hall lecture series. Vol. 1. Contemporary Psychology, 1982, 27, 575.


Eccles, J. (Ed.)  Mind and brain: The many‑faceted problem. Contemporary Psychology, 1983, 28, 804.


Smith, S.  Ideas of the great psychologists. Contemporary Psychology,1983, 28, 968.



Churchland, P.M.  Matter and consciousness: A contemporary introduction to the philosophy of mind. Contemporary Psychology, 1984, 29, 988‑989.


Ornstein, R.  The psychology of consciousness. Contemporary Psychology, 1987, 32, 383‑384.


Nagy, R. (Ed.)  The representation of cognitive structures. Contemporary Psychology, 1987, 32, 677.


Coan, R. W.  Human consciousness and its evolution. Contemporary Psychology, 1988, 33, 459.


Denis, M., Engelkamp, J., and Richardson, J. T. E. (Eds.) Cognitive and neuropsychological approaches to mental imagery. Contemporary Psychology, 1989, 34, 516.


Mandler, G. George Mandler’s Response to Review of A History of Modern Experimental                 Psychology.  Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 44(3), 288, 2008