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Flight hours

All of the measures of experience with automated aircraft (Calendar time since training, time in type, and automated hours) have significant negative correlations (p<0.01) with the MisunderstoodModes, Surprises, SetupAndManage, and ButtonPusher probes. (Note: these are the negative side of supervisory control). These measures also have significant positive correlations with the KnowMode probe. In addition, time in type and automated hours share significant negative correlations on NotReduceWorkload and AltitudeBust, and a positive correlation with FewerErrors. Automated hours has a negative correlation with the CompanyPressure probe and with the NotReduceWorkload probe. Time in type has a positive correlation with HelpDoJob. In summary, experience with automated aircraft is positively correlated with the probes that represent positive attitudes toward automation and negatively correlated with the probes that represent negative attitudes toward automation.

The relationship between the attitude probes and the measure of total flight time has a very different structure. TotalHours is strongly positively correlated with the AltitudeBust and the NotReduceWorkload probes. Recall that these probes were negatively correlated with the automated experience measures. TotalHours also shows a strong negative correlation with AdequateTraining, which was not correlated with any other experience measure.

These results indicate that more experience with automation leads to greater comfort with automation.

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Ed Hutchins