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(Other replication datasets for specific publications available on the publications page)

  • United Nations General Assembly Voting Data
    These data have been updated by Erik Voeten and are available from his website.

  • The Affinity of Nations: Similarity of State Voting Positions in the UNGA - Data Updated (to 2008) April 12, 2010
    The Affinity of Nations index provides a metric that reflects the similarity of state preferences based on voting positions of pairs of countries (dyads) in the United Nations General Assembly. The index is calculated using "S". Affinity is similar to Bueno de Mesquita's tB, which can be downloaded and generated using Bennett and Stam's EUGene. Affinity offers more information (variance) that the tB index, and may also be less biased.

    codebook data (zipped, Stata, ~9.5 meg) data (unzipped, Stata, ~27.6 meg)

  • Disaggregated Military Expenditure Data
    These data contains measures of military expenditure disaggregated by allocations to capital or personnel for a large number of countries used in the following study:

    Gartzke, Erik. 2001 Democracy and the Preparation for War: Does Regime Type Affect State Anticipation of Casualties? International Studies Quarterly 45(3):467-484.

    codebook data (zipped, ~116kb)

  • Nuclear Production Capabilities Dataset - Posted 09/23/06
    The Nuclear Production Capabilities Dataset contains information about the resources available to states to produce nuclear weapons in 10 categories. The dataset may also be combined into a composite measure of nuclear production capability suitable for use in forecasting nuclear proliferation. Click here to visit Rick Stoll's web page that offers data and documentation of an earlier version of these data.

    nuc cap data (Stata, ~132 kb)
    nuc cap dat (Excel, ~936 kb)

    Data are also available to replicate statistical findings from the following study:

    Jo, Dong-Joon, and Erik Gartzke. 2007. Determinants of Nuclear Weapons Proliferation: A Quantitative Model. The Journal of Conflict Resolution 51(1):167-194.

    replication data (Stata, ~252 kb) replication log (ascii, ~44 kb)

    all files (zipped, ~864 kb)

  • Intergovernmental Organization Data - Posted 04/22/07

    Data are available to replicate statistical findings from the following study:

    Boehmer, Charles, Erik Gartzke, and Timothy W. Nordstrom. 2004. Do Intergovernmental Organizations Promote Peace? World Politics 57(1):1-38.

    basic replication data (Stata, ~6.3 mb)

  • The Capitalist Peace Replication Data - Posted 01/05/07

    Data are available to replicate statistical findings from the following study:

    Gartzke, Erik. 2007. The Capitalist Peace. The American Journal of Political Science 51(1):166-191.

    replication data (Stata, ~127.2 mb)
    replication log (ascii, ~44 kb)

    do file, plus all files to construct replication dataset (zipped, ~35.71 mb)


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