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Text first created: 2018-09-02
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Stercus bubulus omnia vincit
—My Daddy

Jargon & Gibberish:
Pundit Poop: The Language of Political Analysis

Twitter Dee: The blockbuster late-breaking news as we speak is a bombshell bellwether story with a lot of moving parts which blurs the line to connect the dots by cherry picking the canary in the coal mine along partisan lines. Enabling an embattled dog whistle along the fork in the road gobsmacks the jaw-dropping claims/evidence of the base's inner circle, which is at an inflexible inflection point because of the razor-thin majority playing kick the can by putting lipstick on a pig.

Twitter Dum: But the devil in the details is a disaster waiting to happen.

Twitter Dee: But the nuclear option is a seismic shift in shiny objects and a sea change that roils the red meat for the base. Adults in the room peaking truth to power is a typical strategy in uncharted territory with the walls closing in on the tribal swamp, which is at a watershed moment in a thuggish game of unhinged tribal whack-a-mole, producing a blowback of bipartisan gridlock, which it is hard for the white working class to wrap their heads around.

Bookended code words and cookie-cutter approaches all crib from the same playbook to change the narrative of conventional wisdom and weaponize authenticity. This comfort zone outside the box crosses a line in the sand between a culture of complicity fake tweets.The dog whistling echo chamber of fair-minded constituents is a gut-wrenching game changer in for the long haul inside the Beltway.

Twitter Dum: But the devil in the details is a disaster waiting to happen.

Twitter Dee: Their instinct is to implement infighting in the pocket of marginalized memes. But issue-oriented job-creation in single digits is a narrative moving in the right direction like a deer in the headlights. We need a national conversation on the optics of gravitas.

The overarching rationale of party activists is to peel the onion, with plenty of blame to go around. Party hacks want to pivot to plan B, a populist, post-truth, slush fund Ponzi scheme.

Twitter Dum: But the devil in the details is a disaster waiting to happen.

Twitter Dee: But poverty is a slam-dunk, tone deaf, tipping point. The red line is to throw the base under the bus, which is a toxic trickle-down pushback. We've seen this movie before: sluggish growth plummeted with a ripple effect of stepping up to the plate and sucking suck up the oxygen in the room. The next move will be to take ownership of the headwinds, hubris, and ideological blinders. The take-no-prisoners trickle-down is a work in progress, threading the needle on the wrong side of history.

Twitter Dum: But the devil in the details is a disaster waiting to happen.

(Source: The basic text of this page was originally derived from unexamined catch phrases used in the lead up to the 2018 midterms by various television and radio "talking heads" as they repeated each other while trying to sound thoughtful. If the "base" gets any more "energized," it may expire of ennui.)

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