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The Glyphomancy Factor (References)

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Bauer, Wolfgang.
1979. "Chinese Glyphomancy (Ch'ai-tzu) and Its Uses in Present-day Taiwan." In Legend, Lore, and Religion in China: Essays in Honor of Wolfram Eberhard on His Seventieth Birthday, Sarah Allan and Alvin P. Cohen, eds., pp. 71-96. San Francisco: Chinese Materials Center.
Chang Chiao-hao.
1988. "Religious Strength in Diversity." Free China Review 38 (1) : 40-45.
Collignon, James A.
1981. "The Catholic Church in Taiwan: An Interpretive Essay." Appendix to Allen J. Swanson, The Church in Taiwan, Profile 1980: A Review of the Past, a Projection for the Future, pp. 399-406. Pasadena: William Carey Library.
Geertz, Clifford.
[1964] 1973. "'Internal Conversion' in Contemporary Bali." Reprinted in The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays by Clifford Geertz, pp. 170-89. New York: Basic Books.
Gwo Yun-han.
1988. "Protestants Spread the Good News." Free China Review 38 (1) : 32-35.
Hefner, Robert W.
1987. "The Political Economy of Islamic Conversion in Modern East Java." IN Islam and the Political Economy of Meaning, William R. Roff, ed., pp. 53-78. London: Croom Helm.
Heirich, Max.
1977. "Change of Heart: A Test of Some Widely Held Theories about Religious Conversion." American journal of Sociology 83: 653-80. Horton, Robin. 1971. "African Conversion." Africa 41: 85-108.
Huang, Joseph.
1988. "Catholicism Seeks Evangelical Revival." Free China Review 38 (1): 28-31.
Jordan, David K.
1987. "'Sacrifice' and 'Exchange': Misgivings about the Logic of Folk Liturgy." (Paper prepared for the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, November 1987.)
1990. "Eufunctions, Dysfunctions, and Oracles: Literary Miracle-Making in Taiwan." In Personality and the Cultural Construction of Society: Papers in Honor of Melford E. Spiro, David K. Jordan and Marc J. Swartz, eds., pp. 98-115. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press. [A copy is available elsewhere on this web site.]
Jordan, David K., and Daniel L. Overmyer.
1986. The Flying Phoenix: Aspects of Chinese Sectarianism in Taiwan. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Kang, C. H., and Ethel R. Nelson.
1979. The Discovery of Genesis: How the Truths of Genesis Were Found Hidden in the Chinese Language. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House.
Ranger, Terence.
1978. "The Churches, the Nationalist State, and African Religion." In Christianity in Independent Africa, Edward Fashole-Luke et al., eds., pp. 478-502. London: Rex Collings.
Roberts, John M., Chien Chiao, and Triloki N. Pandey.
1975. "Meaningful God Sets from a Chinese Personal Pantheon and a Hindu Personal Pantheon." Ethnology 14: 121-48.
Saso, Michael R.
1972. Taoism and the Rite of Cosmic Renewal. Pullman: Washington State University Press.
Schwartz, Lola Romanucci.
1969. "The Hierarchy of Resort in Curative Practices: The Admiralty Islands, Melanesia." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 10: 201-9.
Travisano, R. V.
1970. "Alternation and Conversion as Qualitatively Different Transformations." In Social Psychology through Symbolic Interaction, G. P. Stone and H. A. Farberman, eds., pp. 494-606. Waldham, Mass.: Ginn-Blaisdell.

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