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The 24 Filial Exemplars (16)

Yǔ Qiánlóu 庾黔娄


Yǔ Qiánlóu of the southern Qí dynasty was sent as a magistrate to Chánlíng [south of Gōng'ān in Húběi province]. He had been in the district less than ten days when suddenly his heart was alarmed and he perspired. Immediately he gave up his office and returned, [to find] his father had been sick for two days. The doctor said: "To know whether a sickness is improving or very serious, one must taste the [patient's] dung. If it is bitter, then there is hope." Qiánlóu tasted it, and it was sweet. His heart was very anxious. When night came, he kowtowed to the North Star [of longevity], beseeching it to let him die in his father's place. Verses praise him saying:
He was in his post less than ten days, when

His father suddenly met with serious illness;

He wants to substitute himself in death for his father;

Facing north, he is weighted down in worry.
南齐。庾黔娄为孱陵令。到县未旬日。忽心惊流汗。及弃官归。时父疾始二日。医曰。欲知愈剧。但尝粪。苦则佳。黔娄尝之。甜。心甚忧之。至夕。稽颡北辰。求以身代父死。有诗为颂。 诗曰

16. Cháng Fèn Yōu Xīn
Nánqí Yǔ Qiánlóu wéi chánlíng lìng. Dào xiàn wèi xún rì. Hū xīn jīng liú hàn. Jí qì guān guī. Shí fù jí shǐ èr rì. Yī yuē: Yù zhī tuó jù. Dàn cháng fèn. Kǔ zé jiā. Qiánlóu cháng zhī. Tián. Xīn shèn yōu zhī. Zhì xì. Jī sǎng běi chén. Qiú yǐ shēn dài fù sǐ. Yǒu shī wéi sòng.
Shī yuē:
Dào xiàn wèi xún rì. Chūntíng gòu jí shēn. Yuàn jiāng shēn dài sǐ. Běi wàng qǐ yōu xīn.

南齊。庾黔婁 為孱陵令。到縣未旬日。忽心驚流汗。及棄官歸。時父疾始二日。醫曰。欲知癒劇。但嘗糞。苦則佳。黔婁嘗之。甜。心甚憂之。至夕。稽顙北辰。求以身代父死。有詩為頌。 詩曰

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