Quiz created: 180710

Hebrew Sacred History (Extracts 3-4)
(Normal Quiz)

Instructions: Answer the multiple choice questions, guessing if necessary; then click on the "Process Questions" button at the end of the quiz to see your score in the adjacent message box. The program will not reveal which questions you got wrong, only how many points you have. Go back and change your answers until you get them all right. (The message box will rejoice at that point and the page will change color to show it is tickled pink.)

Points to note: (1) Questions with only one possible answer are one point each. (2) Questions with one or more possible answers (represented by check boxes) give a point for each correct answer, but also subtract a point for each wrong answer! (3) The program will not attempt to score your efforts at all if you have not tried at least half of the questions. (4) This quiz is for your own use only. No record of your progress is kept or reported to anyone.

1. Abram’s wife Sarai had borne him no children, so she
dressed a baby goat as a child and tried to fool blind old Abram 
adopted a young Egyptian girl named Hagar to be a child for her and Abram 
proposed that he try to impregnate her Egyptian servant Hagar 
began to persecute the children of other women in the household, especially the many (extremely cute) children of Hagar 
wrote to Lot asking for him to join them and be their adopted son and inheritor 
No Answer
2. Abram slept with Hagar, who became pregnant and produced a child named
No Answer
3. When she realized she was pregnant, Hagar fled Abram’s household
out of shame that she had become pregnant out of wedlock 
because she feared the wrath of Sarai 
because she feared that, given Abram’s age, her child would be a monster and she would be beaten to death 
to be with her lover Joshua, whom she believed to be the real father of her child 
because she wanted her child to be born on Egyptian soil 
No Answer
4. When Hagar became pregnant, Sarai complained to Abram that Hagar
was a witch 
was eating too much 
had uttered disrespectful language against the Lord 
had become disrespectful to Sarai 
had polluted Abram’s bed with menstrual blood 
No Answer
5. When Hagar gave birth, Abram was aged
18  34  47  69  86  199  No Answer
6. When Abram was about 99 years old (and his wife about twenty years younger), the Lord appeared to him, and told him that
there would be no more famine in his lifetime 
he suddenly had the gift of writing and was commanded to write down the Lord’s commandments 
despite his age he would have children and through them be the father of nations 
Sodom and Gomorrah were to be destroyed because of their bad behavior to recent angelic visitors, and he should flee at once back to Egypt to avoid entanglement in the event 
Sodom and Gomorrah were to be destroyed, and he should go there immediately to lead his nephew Lot to safety in Abram’s home 
he was destined to live forty more years, and in each year he would take a new wife, who would produce a male child 
No Answer
7. God told Abram that all the males in his household, and in the households of all his male descendants forever, should be circumcised by way of keeping their covenant with the Lord. When a male is “circumcised,”
the ritual is also called “baptism” 
the foreskin of his penis is removed 
For the rest of his life he is unable to urinate standing up 
it must be done when he is an adult and he must take vows as part of the ritual 
his head is shaved and he is also given a small white tattoo of a six-pointed star (✡), which rapidly becomes invisible as his hair regrows 
No Answer
8. God changed Abram’s name from Abram (“high father”) to Abraham (“father of a multitude”) and Sarai’s name from Sarai (“mockery”) to Sarah (“princess”)
to underlie the irony that Hagar’s son is his only offspring 
and promises that Abra(ha)m will have so many descendants that they will make up whole nations 
because Ishmael is destined to have over twenty sons 
because Sarai/Sarah, despite her age, will bear ten sons 
as a mark of God’s love for Sarai/Sarah —who would have named a daughter “mockery” in the first place?! 
No Answer
9. Soon Sarah gave birth to a son, named Isaac (“he laughed”), Ishmael’s half-brother. Ishmael was about 14 years or so older than Isaac
but only Isaac was circumcised 
and the Lord promised to make Ishmael the father of twelve princes, but did not establish a covenant with him 
and the Lord therefore chose him to continue his covenant with the Hebrews 
but Ishmael was unable to speak, and so Isaac was designate the success or of Abraham as head of the household 
and tried to kill his younger brother, and therefore was banished with his mother Hagar into the desert, where they perished. 
No Answer

      Points out of 9:

Awesomeness Score: The following awesomeness score is a measure of how much guessing you did to get all items right. It is 100 if you got all questions right when you clicked the process button for the first time. It gets proportionately lower if it took more clicks, until it hits 0 if your clicks exceeded the number of questions.

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This consummately cool, pedagogically compelling, self-correcting,
multiple-choice quiz was produced automatically from
a simple text file of questions using D.K. Jordan's
dubiously original, but publicly accessible
Think Again Quiz Maker
of February 17, 2018.