Final Exam Review

Format: You will be asked to write two short essays from a choice of three topics drawn from the areas listed below. I may project images for you to write about in relation to the texts we have been reading/talking about.

Assessment: You will be graded on your comprehension, critical engagement with and synthesis of the texts and concepts that we have addressed. Your essay should clearly demonstrate that you understand the basic concepts and frameworks in the readings. A higher score will be given for essays that clearly explain concepts from the texts, but also reflect on them and offer your critical appraisal (for example: by discussing further implications of the material or by raising questions or arguments about the limitations of the authorsÕ ideas). You will be given points for:

1.  Reproduction and Circulation of Images:




Sturken and Cartwright:

Key Terms:


2. Ownership of Images and Image Rights



Key Terms:

3, Global Visual Culture



Key Terms:

4. Gender, Sexuality and Visuality

Reading: Nicholas Mirzoeff, "Seeing Sex"


Key Terms: