SOC 109                                                                  Statistical Analysis of Social Data



Summer 2006                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Prof. Akos Rona-Tas

MWF  4:00 -5:50                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SSB 488

CENTR 207                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Office Hours: M W 3:00-4:00

or by appointment


                This course will teach you three important skills:

1. a way of systematic reasoning and decision making with the help of numeric evidence

2. elementary statistics, or ways of manipulating, organizing numbers so that they reveal patterns hidden in your data

3. basic computer skills so that you can handle large amounts of information.

                There will be a midterm and a final, both closed book and notes. There will be three computer assignments.  Late computer assignments will not be credited.  You must do all the work yourself including obtaining the output.

                Final grades for this course will be assigned as follows:

Computer assignments                       35%

Midterm exam                                       30%

Final exam                                              35%


The textbook for the course is Chava Frankfort-Nachmias and Anna Leon-Guerrero, Social Statistics for a Diverse Society, 4rd edition.  It is available at the UCSD bookstore.  Your computer assignments will require that you use SPSS for Windows, a statistical package for the PC.  Manuals for SPSS are available in the computer lab in Solis Hall, but the program itself is user friendly and provides extended on-line help. You can also find most of what you need at the end of each chapter


The course has a Web site


where you will find this syllabus and all three assignments. You just have to click on

Assignment 1

Assignment 2

Assignment 3



August 7


Social Research and Statistics

Brief Introduction to the Computer Facility

Reading: Chapter 1

Useful  link:
    Level of measurement


August  9

Organization of Information

Graphic Presentation

Reading: Chapter 2, 3


August 11

Organization of Information

Graphic Presentation

Reading: Chapter 2, 3


August 14

Measures of Central Tendency and Variability

Reading: Chapter 4, 5

Useful  links:
    Central Tendency


August 16

Measures of Central Tendency and Variability

Reading: Chapter 4, 5


August 18

Relationships Between Two Variables: Cross-Tabulation

Measures of Association for Nominal and Ordinal Variables

Reading: Chapter 6, 7

Useful link:
    Measures of Association in Tables,



Assignment 1 due


August 21

Relationships Between Two Variables: Cross-Tabulation

Measures of Association for Nominal and Ordinal Variables

Reading: Chapter 6, 7


August 23

Bivariate Regression and Correlation

Reading: Chapter 8

Useful links:

    Correlation (Pearson's r)


August 25


August 28

Bivariate Regression and Correlation

Review of Descriptive Data Analysis

Reading: Chapter 8


August 30

The Normal Distribution

Sampling and Sampling Distributions

Reading: Chapter 9, 10

Assignment 2  due

Useful links:




    The Binomial Distribution

   Sampling Distribution of Means

    Central Limit Theorem



Standard (Z) score


September 1


Two Sample Test

Reading: Chapter 11, 12

Confidence interval


September 4



September 6

The Chi-Square Test

                Reading: Chapter 13

Useful Link:
    Chi-square Test of Significance


Assignment 3 due


September 8

Final Review


September 9

